高中英语(外研版)必修五:1 阅读强化训练(一)含答案.doc

高中英语(外研版)必修五:1 阅读强化训练(一)含答案.doc

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阅读强化训练(一) (建议用时:15分钟) eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅰ) 阅读理解 A British scientist whose schoolmasters told him he was too stupid to study the subject has been awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine or physiology for his pioneering work on cloning. At the age of 15, Sir John Gurdon ranked last out of the 250 boys at biology, and was in the bottom set in every other science subject.His master,Mr.Gaddum, was in fact a museum curator(解说员) by profession who had been hired to teach the lowest-achieving pupils and was not in fact a particularly effective teacher.Though he had heard Gurdon was interested in doing science, he thought this was a completely ridiculous idea because there was no hope whatever of Gurdon doing science. After receiving the report, Sir John said he switched his attention to classics and was offered a place to study at Christ Church, Oxford, but was allowed to switch courses and read zoology instead because of a mix-up in the admissions office. It was at Oxford as a postgraduate student that he published his famous research on genetics and proved for the first time that every cell in the body contains the same genes.He did so by taking a cell from an adult frog’s intestine(肠), removing its genes and implanting them into an egg cell, which grew into a clone of the adult frog. Different from the previous studies by much more senior scientists,his idea was controversial(引起争议的) at the time and it was a decade before the then-graduate student’s work became widely accepted. But it led directly to the cloning of Dolly the Sheep by Prof Ian Wilmut in 1996.Later on Prof Yamanaka found adult cells can be “reprogrammed” into stem cells for use in medicine. Sir John professed to be unaware of the cash prize that awaits,but said he would most likely invest it in a fund he has previously set up to support PhD students during their fourth year of study. 【解题导语】 获得过诺贝尔生理学或医学奖的英国科学家约翰·格登的生物课成绩曾经在250名同年龄的男生中排最后一名,在其他科学类学科中成绩也都垫底,但是他没有放弃,最后取得了杰出的成绩。 1.Which of the following about Sir John


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