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摘 要 随着现代通信技术、计算机网络技术以及信息产业的飞速发展,数字化、网络化和信息化正日益融入人们的生活。人们对住宅小区智能业务的需求越来越迫切,宽带化智能小区的建设也已经成为人们关注的焦点。 ?? 当今的数据应用已不是Web等简单的应用,而是VOIP、视频点播、数字电视等大流量、高带宽要求的多种业务并存,针对这些需求,本论文设计了一套智能楼宇及小区宽带建设的解决方案,力求构建一个稳定高效、易管理、易维护、易扩展的数据网络。并以VOD视频点播为例,介绍了该网络的业务应用。 在综合布线上采用光纤到楼宇,10M/100M到桌面这一当今最流行也是最成熟的高性能解决方案。而在网络设计上采用了接入层,汇聚层,核心层的三层结构保证的网络的伸缩性的同时也更利于简化整个网络的管理工作,并且采用vlan划分的形式防止广播风暴和路由成环的情况发生,提高了整个网络的性能和稳定性。在核心层的设计上采用高性能的核心交换机和路由模块保证内网和外网的快速连接。架设在核心层的高性能服务器群为小区用户提供丰富的内容服务。以VOD视频点播为例,小区通过在服务器上架设美萍VOD视频点播系统,为小区住户提供个性化的VOD视频点播服务。 在网络安全方面采用杀毒软件和硬件防火墙相结合的方案,同时配合路由策略加固整个网络。同时按照国家安全标准对工作间和中心机房进行安全设计。 关键词:光纤;三层结构;VLAN;VOD点播 Abstract With rapid development of modern communications technology, computer network technology and the information industry, digitization, networking and information technology is increasingly being integrated into people's lives. There are increasingly urgent demands of intelligent community, Intelligent Community with broadband access has become the focus of people. Modern data application is not like Traditional Web applications, there are variety of requirements of high bandwidth, like VoIP, video-on-demand(VOD), Digital Television etc. In this thesis, a set of intelligent building programs and the community broadband solutions had designed, sought to build a stable and efficient, easy to administration, easy to maintain, easy expansion of the data network. And, VOD, as a example of the network business applications will be introduced in this thesis. The solution used fiber cabling between buildings, 10M/100M to desktop is a high-performance solutions. In the designing of network three-tier-structure (access layer, cluster layer, core layer) is used for ensure the scalability of the network, and also simplify network management. VLAN division has effective prevented routing ring and broadcast storm, raise the entire network performance and stability. In the core layer design there is a high-performance core switch and routing modules to make sure rapid LAN/WAN connecting


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