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文学院英语专业05级毕业论文翻译方向选题一览表 序号 指导教师 学生姓名 班级 论文题目 英文 中文 1 陈红 丁美龄 01 Translator’s Subjectivity Embodied in Huang Yuanshen’s Versions of Jane Eyre 译者主体性在黄源深译本《简爱》中的体现 黄飞 02 Analyzing The Application of Domestication in Two Different Chinese Versions of The Adventure of Tom Sawyer 析《汤姆索亚历险记》的两个中文译本规划策略的运用 张红杰 03 On “Meaning”, “Context” and “Imagery” in Translation of English Song Lyrics 论英文歌词翻译的“意”、“境”、“象” 焦广杰 01 On C-E Zero Translation 论汉译英零翻译现象 王琦 02 Foreignization and Domestication in Yang Hsien-yi’s Version of A Dream of Red Masions 浅析杨译版《红楼梦》归化和异化处理 易芬 02 The Loss of Beauty in C-E Idiom Translation and Compensation Methods 习语汉译英中美的流失与补偿 伍琳琼 02 On Subtitle Translation of Forrest Gump from the Functionalist Perspective 从功能理论角度论《阿甘正传》字幕翻译 2 齐明珍 曹玉芳 01 On the Reproduction of Rhyme in the Translation of Chinese Ancient Poetry 浅谈中国古诗英译过程中韵的再现 程大武 02 Reception Environment and Lin Shu’s Translation Phenomenon 接受环境与林纾翻译之现象 李霄 03 On Translation of the Subtitling of NottingHill-From the Perspective of Relevance Theory 从关联理论的角度看电影《诺丁山》字幕的翻译 李贞 02 Coping Tactics in Interpretation 口译的应变策略 肖文慈 01 Domestication and Foreignization in Translating Color Terms in WangWei’s Poems 浅谈王维诗中色彩词翻译的归化和异化 赵笠珲 02 Adaptation in Advertisement Translation 广告翻译中的改编 王黎 01 Characteristic Analysis in Zhang Peiji’s Translation of Chinese Essays 张培基汉译英散文作品中的特点分析 3 王水平 汪靓雅 01 Analysis of Lin Yutang’s Criteria From the Translation of Six Chapters of a Floating Life 从《浮生六记》的翻译分析林语堂的翻译标准 魏宏艳 02 A Study of Zhang Guruo’s Translation of Tess of the D’Urbervilles from the Aesthetic Perspective 从美学角度分析张谷若译《德伯家的苔丝》 齐骁 03 The Solutions to the Problems in International Business Interpretation 涉外商务谈判口译中常见问题和解决策略 郭虹 02 Solutions to the Problems in Translation of Diplomatic Documents 外交文献翻译存在问题的解决 4 张秀仿 董思思 02 On Mistranslation of Polysemy from English to Chinese 论英汉翻译中一词多义的误译现象 周磊 03 On Alliterative English Advertisements and the Translation Strategies 押头韵英语广告及其翻译策略 葛彦如 02 On Euphemism Trans


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