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目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 10768 1 计划概述 3 17991 2 项目背景 4 64 3 市场分析 6 19177 4 公司战略 17 21472 5 市场营销 20 17943 6 生产管理 25 20754 7 投资分析 27 12166 8 财务分析 33 32208 9 管理体系 35 10740 10 风险预测 39 9390 11. 总 结 42 第 第 PAGE 5 页 共 40 页 工商管理专业创业实验 ————迈动鞋业有限责任公司 摘 要:随着人们对时尚的认识的进一步深化,每个人心中都有了自己对时尚独有的认识和概念。而追求个性和与众不同成为现在的流行。而DIY—Do It Yourself 和私人定制则成为其中最有效也最受人追捧的方式。而DIY与私人定制成为消费者首选的同时,也为品牌的发展提供了商机。而在手机、香水、服饰等很多领域都运用顾客定制的策略取得了很大的市场反响。 我们组通过市场调查了解到,现今市场上能够满足人们关于鞋的个性化需求的品牌还很少,通过进一步的顾客需求调查预测分析,我们成立了一家以满足都市男性对鞋子的时尚追求,秉承“你的鞋子你做主”为经营理念的有限责任公司。公司采用“前店后厂”的创新经营模式,致力于高端皮鞋的设计﹑组装﹑销售一条龙服务。且拥有自己的专业原材料采购团队,良好的组装设备,以及专门的市场营销团队,并采用现代的信息化经营管理模式,有效整合公司产供销全过程。我们一直秉承着顾客至上的原则,在店面直销外,提供网上订购与销售服务,同时从消费者的角度出发,提供优质的售后服务,消除顾客的后顾之忧。 关键词:迈动鞋业;市场分析;组织机构;战略;投资分析 ENTREPRENEURSHIP EXPERIMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MAJOR ——MAIDONG FOOTWEAR LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Abstract:With the further understanding of fashion people, in the heart of every man has his own unique understanding to vogue and concepts. And the pursuit of individuality and distinctive become popular now. And DIY - Do It and private custom has become one of the most effective and most sought ways. DIY and private custom as consumer choice, at the same time also provides opportunities for the development of the brand. In many fields such as mobile phone, perfume, clothing are using customers customized strategy made great market response. Understands through market investigation, our group on the market today is able to meet the personalized needs of people about the shoes brand is little, customer requirements through further investigation and forecast analysis, we established a to meet the urban men shoes fashion pursuit, adhering to the your shoes you decide is the management idea of a limited liability company. The company USES the front shop, back factory innovation management pattern, is committed to high-end leather shoes design, assembly, sales through-train service. And have their own professional raw


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