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学英语的很好材料 The Devil Wears Prada script [Squeaks] [Woman Singing] [Continues] [Continues] -[Continues] -Good luck. 祝你好运。 [Continues] [Children Giggling] [Continues] -[Continues] -[Horn Honks] [Continues] [Ends] [Bell Dings] Hi. Uh, I have an appointment with Emily Charlton? 你好,我约了艾米莉·查尔顿 -Andrea Sachs? -Yes. 安吉丽娜·塞克斯? - 是的 Great. Human Resources certainly has an odd sense of humor. 要命。人力资源部还真会开玩笑。 Follow me. 跟我来。 Okay, so I was Mirandas second assistant … 听着,我本是马林达的第二助手 but her first assistant recently got promoted, and so now Im the first. 她首席助手近期晋升 ,所以我现在是首席助手。 -Oh, and youre replacing yourself. -Well, I am trying. - 哦,你给自己找替身。 - 但还没找到。 Miranda sacked the last two girls after only a few weeks. 马林达几周内炒了前两个女孩。 We need to find someone who can survive here. Do you understand? 我们需要生存者,明白不? Yeah. Of course. Whos Miranda? 当然。马林达是谁? Oh, my God. I will pretend you did not just ask me that. 哦,天哪。 我会假装你刚没问过我。 Shes the editor in chief of Runway, not to mention a legend. 她是《天桥》杂志主编, 是一名传奇人物。 You work a year for her, and you can get a job at any magazine you want. 只要为她卖命一年,之后随你想去什么杂志社 A million girls would kill for this job. 所有女孩都会为这工作发疯的。 It sounds like a great opportunity. Id love to be considered. 听上去很棒, 我很荣幸能被选中。 [Giggling] Andrea, Runway is a fashion magazine … 安吉丽南,《天桥》是本时尚杂志 so an interest in fashion is crucial. 对时尚的热衷非常重要。 What makes you think Im not interested in fashion? 你认为我对时尚没有兴趣? -[Cell Phone Ringing] -Oh, my God. 我的天哪 No! No! No! 不!不!不! Whats wrong? 怎么了? Shes on her way. Tell everyone! 她要到了 通知大家! Shes not supposed to be here until 9:00. 她应该 9 点到的 Her driver just text messaged, and her facialist ruptured a disk. 司机刚短信我, 她的美容师椎间盘突出 -God, these people! -[Whistles, Whi


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