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计算机科学与技术毕业论文 题目:网上拍卖系统的设计与实现 摘 要 网络商机无所不在,遍地是黄金,随着国外网络拍卖如火如荼的持续发烧发热下来,网络原先B2C(Business to Customer)企业对消费者的交易商业模块转变为C2C(Customer to Customer)消费者对消费者的型态。网络不光成为企业的扩展地,更成为个体户的新兴热点。而网上拍卖可以说是将现实生活中的实际竟标现场,搬到网络平台上,在虚拟的卖场中创造真实的赚钱交易。也就是将要销售的东西,刊登到专门的拍卖网站上面,产品不论新旧,起标价格自定。在你设定的竟标日期当中,只要你的产品是符合需求的,那么自然有人会上门来竟标。结标日到期之后,最后由最高喊价者得标,进行流程十分简便,这样的经营方式能以极低的成本出清旧货、畅消货,还能这不分区域的众多使用者提供快速、便利的服务,省下经营一般传统生意所需要付出的时间和资金,只要坐在电脑面前就可以运筹帷幄,甚至赚到更丰富的报酬,可以说是一个易获利且进入低门槛的新兴商场。网上拍卖系统作为典型的信息管理系统,本文主要介绍了基于HTML语言,嵌套JavaScript源代码的ASP编程技术,以IIS为服务平台,实现网上拍卖系统的构建。介绍了系统的开发环境和运行平台、ASP、HTML脚本及JavaScript。使用ACCESS数据库管理整个拍卖系统的后台数据。系统实现了商品信息的在线分类管理,信息添加,修改,删除,竟拍用户通过注册登录可以浏览商品信息,同时也可以对商品进行竟价及购买等功能,这些功能能够辅助系统管理员在线进行商品拍卖管理. 关键词:网上拍卖;ASP;IIS;ACCESS ABSTRACT network business opportunities are everywhere, everywhere is gold, with the foreign online auction very persistent fever fever down, the network to the original B2C (business) business - to - consumer customer transactions module into commercial C2C (consumer customer to customer) to work not only be extended to become self-employed people emerging hot spots.While the online auction can be said that the actual real - life rules…… typomorphic - the - spot and moved to the network platform, in a virtual marketplace in the creation of real money transactions.It is going to sell things, to be published to a special auction sites, products, regardless of the old and new custom label your closing date of the site→ rules…… extraordinarylot, as long as your product is in line with demand, some people will nousto to rules…….knottinghis typomorphic expire after the last value specified by the exultationor, procedures, such a very simple and convenient mode of operation can be very low cost of clearing changmaishu cancellative goodsquality, garage, but also its not subregional countrymany users provides a fast, convenient service, in general the traditional business required to pay time and money, as long as the computer can give orders, and even earn richer reward, y


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