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PAGE 16 THE HYMALL WAY – FIRE SAFETY GUIDANCE FOR THE MANAGER PAGE 1 JANUARY 2005 – ISSUE 1 FIRE SAFETY GUIDANCE FOR THE STORE MANAGER 门店店总的消防安全指南 FIRE SAFETY RULES FOR THE MANAGER 对于经理的消防安全条款 Fire is one of the most serious hazards that any company faces. The following rules must be in place for store mangers. Local legal requirements may add additional rules. Application of the rules will be reviewed through Trading Law and Technical audit. 对于任何公司而言,火灾是最严重的隐患。以下的条款店总必须遵守。可能由于各地的当局机关要求不同,会增加条款。对于此些条款的执行将由TLT部门审查。 To ensure that everyone who uses your building can do so in a safe manner, the following rules must be followed: 为确保在使用您建筑的每个人都采用安全方式作业,下列条款必须遵循: Rules that save lives 拯救生命的守则 Fire exits and escape routes must be properly maintained and free from obstruction at all times. 安全出口和逃生通道必须正确维护,确保所有时间不得阻挡 Staff receive regular training on how to prevent fires and what to do if a fire is discovered or reported. 员工接受定期培训:如何防火和如果发现火灾怎么做及怎么报告。 Rules that prevent fires 防火守则 Waste should be removed regularly and systematically and stored in a secure place until collected for disposal. 必须有系统的清除垃圾,同时在被运走前必须在安全合适位置储藏 Implement a Hot Permit System 运行“动火许可系统” Implement a Smoking Policy 执行“吸烟政策” Maintain store electrical equipment 对门店电气设备进行保养 Control access to plant rooms 机房,配电间进出要控制 Preventing Arson 防止纵火 Rules that provide fire protection, enhance our ability to fight, contain and control a fire 提供防火保护,增加我们防火,控制火灾的能力的守则 Sufficient numbers and types of fire extinguishers are available are maintained in good working order. 配备足够数量的灭火器,良好保养,确保在良好工作状态。 The fire alarm system and fire sprinkler system (where fitted) and emergency lighting systems are operating correctly and are tested and maintained to the required standards. 消防报警系统,喷淋系统(安装点)和应急照明系统确保操作正常,正确测试与保养以达到要求标准。 Rules that keep the business legal 确保经营合法的守则 Accurate records are kept to prove that fire equipment maintenance checks and personnel training is conducted. 校验消防设备保养检查和人员培训均有正确记录,以证明有实际执行。 Legal do


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