北京版 四年级上 Lesson 20 (2).ppt

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Questions: 1.Which kind of food do they order(点菜)? A. Chinese food B. Western food 2.What does waiter say? A. May I take your order? B. May I try that on? May I take your order? What would you like to eat? What about you? Would you like to drink? Welcome to our restaurant. What a waiter or waitress might say? Repeat what the guests order. Questions: 1.Which kind of starter do they order? 2.Which kind of main dish do they order? 3.Which kind of dessert would Sara like? Yes. I’d like a salad, fish, and green beans. The same for me, please. Can I have ice cream, Dad? What would you like for dessert? May I take your order now? Sure. Let’s look at the menu. There are all kinds of … dishes. What would you like to eat? I’d like some …. Please don’t make them too …. What about you? Can I have …, please? I’ll have … and …. That’s all. May I take your order,Ladies and gentleman? Thank you. Have a nice day! Waiter: Welcome to Meiwei Restaurant. This way, please. May I take your order? Sara: Yes, I’ d like a hamburger. Waiter: A cheese burger? Sara: No, a chicken burger, please. Waiter: What would you like to eat? Sara: Yes, a glass of milk. Waiter: A chicken burger and a glass of water. Sara: Right. Waiter: What about you, Miss? Tanghua: I’d like steak and a glass of orange juice. How much are they? Waiter: Wait a minute, please. Sixty-two yuan. Tanghua: Thanks. Here is seventy yuan. Waiter: All right. Here is your change. Have a nice day! Tanghua: I’d like a hamburger and a glass of orange juice. How much are they? Waiter: Wait a minute, please. Sixty-eight yuan. Waiter: All right. Here is your change. Have a nice day! Tanghua: Thanks. Here is seventy yuan. Tanghua: Thanks. Keep it for the tips. PYRAMID OF FOOD 食物金字塔 Nutritious营养 Healthy健康 Rich丰富 THANK YOU! Chinese food Western food sweet and sour fish burger French fries Roast Duck bread hamburger salad dumplings Grade Four Unit 6 Lesson 20 MAY I TAKE YOUR ORDER? What would you like to eat/


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