美国历史:殖民地(Colonial Period tothe Revolution).ppt

美国历史:殖民地(Colonial Period tothe Revolution).ppt

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Lecture 1 Colonial Period to the Revolution (1607—1800) Benjamin Franklin Main contents Historical background American Puritanism Benjamin Franklin 1. Historical background Original inhabitants: American Indians. 1492, 12 Oct. Christopher Columbus discovered the America. In the early 16th C., the other colonists arrived : Spanish, French ,Dutch, Swedes, Germans, Italians, and Portuguese. in 1607 ? The first permanent English settlement :Jamestown, Virginia, by Capt. John Smith. In 1620 ?Puritans came to the New England area, by Mayflower and found Plymouth Colony (普利茅斯殖民地). ship of Mayflower roast turkey The origin of Thanksgiving Day New England 2. American Puritanism What is Puritan? The Puritans were originally devout members of Church of England who advocated highly religious and moral principle. They wished to “purify” their religious belief by breaking free from Church of England as they believed the Church of England was corrupt. 清教徒(Puritan),原本是指英国基督徒中那些要求清除英国国教会中天主教残余影响的改革派。其词源来自拉丁文的 Purus,意思是“清洁”。清教徒相信《圣经》才是一切教义的最高权威. 反对国王和君主专制,简化仪式,提倡过勤俭节约的生活。 Why did Puritans come to America? to reform the Church of England and establish an entirely new church. Charles I (1603)to escape religious and political oppression and persecution. to get greater economy opportunity for land and for adventure. What is American Puritanism? What are the features of Puritanism? 1. Predestination(宿命论): God decided everything before things occurred. 2. Original sin(原罪): Human beings were born to be evil . “In Adam’s fall, we all sin” 3. Total depravity(彻底堕落):Humanity’s absolute corruption since the Fall. 4. Limited atonement(有限救赎)or the salvation of a selected few: Only the “elect” can be saved. 2. American Dream: to achieve freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success through honest hard work. The ability to rise from rags to riches thr


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