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/ 留学生论文专业定制代写网站 / 专业提供留学生各类essay定制写作服务 留学生Essay写作—BAME妇女HPV疫苗接种和宫颈癌筛查的障碍 What are the Barriers of Human Papillomavirus(HPV)Vaccination and Cervical Cancer Screening amongst Minority Women age 12-26? Abstract Background:Minority women systematically experience socio-economic disadvantages,which put them in the face of greater obstacles in attaining optimal health.Approximately 44 million women in the United States,nearly one third of all women in America,self-identify as women of a minority racial or ethnic group.Yet,minority women fare worse than non-Hispanic white women across a broad range of measures,with some of the largest disparities being that of HPV-related cervical cancer mortality. Objective:The objective is to emphasize the barriers of care in relation to cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccination,as well as examine patterns in barriers like demographic,cultural,and health belief factors amongst minority women.Methods:The data collection review and process was based on article review factors that were associated with HPV vaccine acceptability,initiation,and series completion among adolescent and young adult women of different racial,ethnic,and socioeconomic groups in the United States.Results:Selected characteristics of the included studies contended that an estimated 12,000 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer annually in the United States,and 4500,000 women worldwide develop cervical cancer each year.Higher rates of cervical cancer are found in US regions with large minority and impoverished populations.Conclusion:It is imperative for clinicians to progress minority women screening and early detection.Further intervention models need to reflect multifactorial determinants of screening utilization. Introduction Background While there have been strides in HPV and cervical cancer prevention efforts,many minority women across the board still experience significant barriers to care.For example,women from rural and poor communities tend to have h


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