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复旦大学管理学院图书馆服务简讯   第9期 总第9期 PAGE 第 PAGE 4 页 共 NUMPAGES 10 页 -复旦大学管理学院图书馆 编- 复旦大学管理学院 图书馆服务简讯 2007年12月8日   第9期 本期导读 〖新书快递〗 2007年11月新增MIT英文原版教材目录 〖资源推荐〗 1. CASHL(中国高校人文社会科学文献中心)资源简介 〖校图信息〗 1. CASHL大幅下调文献传递收费标准 2. 校图书馆开展“CASHL文献传递优惠服务月”活动 〖工作动向〗 管院图书馆2008年度中文报刊、英文期刊订阅工作正式完成 附一:2008年度管院图书馆中文报纸订阅目录 附二:2008年度管院图书馆中文期刊订阅目录 附三:2008年度管院图书馆英文期刊订阅目录 管院图书馆2007年度教师论文、专著征集工作基本完成 管院图书馆员工赴深圳参加“2007数字图书馆建设与应用研讨会暨成果展示会——中国数字图书馆十年:回顾与展望” 欢迎师 欢迎师生前来查阅中英文报刊! 〖新书快递〗 2007年11月新增MIT英文原版教材目录 序号 书 名 01 Economic and Financial Decisions under Risk 02 Modeling Financial Time Series with S-plus 03 Option Pricing Models and Volatility Using Excel-VBA 04 Mutual Funds For Dummies 05 Doing a Literature Search 06 Quantitative Financial Economics 07 Codys Data Cleaning Techniques Using SAS Software 08 The Evolving Rationality of Rational Expectations 09 Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches 10 The Little Book of Common Sense Investing 11 The Business of Lobbying in China 12 The Age of Turbulence 13 Optimal Statistical Decisions 14 The Economics of Uncertainty and Information 15 Learning and Expectation in Macroeconomics 16 A Course in Derivative Securities 17 Statistics of Financial Markets 18 Rational Expectations 19 Financial Econometrics 20 Transaction Cost Economics and Beyond 21 Methods of Discovery: Heuristics for the Social Sciences 22 Knowledge, Information, and Expectations in Modern Macroeconomics 23 Income Distribution in Macreconomic Models 24 The Logic of Social Research 25 Data Mining for Business Intelligence 26 The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable 27 Communication and Organizational Culture: A Key to Understanding Work Experiences 28 Empirical Dynamic Asset Pricing: Model Specificaiton and Econometric Assessment 29 Managing Behavior in Organizations 30 Change Without Pain: How Managers Can Overcome Initiative Overload, Organizational Chaos, and Employee Burnout 〖资源推荐〗


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