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Application Notes: AN_SY8366 High Efficiency Fast Response 6A Continuous, 12A Peak, 28V Input Synchronous Step Down Regulator General Description Features The SY8366 develops a high efficiency synchronous • Low RDS(ON) for internal switches (top/bottom): step-down DC-DC regulator capable of delivering 6A 40/20 mΩ continuous, 12A peak current. The SY8366 operates • Wide input voltage range: 4-28V over a wide input voltage range from 4V to 28V and • Instant PWM architecture to achieve fast transient integrates main switch and synchronous switch with responses very low RDS(ON) to minimize the conduction lo . • Internal 400us softstart limits the inrush current • Pseudo-constant frequency: 800kHz. The SY8366 adopts the instant PWM architecture to • 6A continuous/12A peak output current capability achieve fast transient responses for high step down • ±1.5% 0.6V reference applications and high efficiency at light loads. In • Programmable peak current limit addition, it operates at pseudo-constant frequency of 800kHz under continuous conduction mode to • Power


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