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social / gregarious animals bees ants elephants primate animals … … solitary animals turtles tigers spiders … … 独自地 根据最近的统计 一种民族弊病 另一方面 冒险出去 征服大自然 all by oneself by recent count a sort of national disease on the other hand venture out tame nature III. Chinese to English Words and Expressions—C to E 独处带来的灵感 对……给予高度评价 穿上外衣 独处高士 装满 熬夜 inspiration in solitude speak highly of put on one’s coat high priest of solitude fill up stay up late Words and Expressions—C to E 一口气地 按自己的节奏 摔倒在打滑的地板上 每日不断发生的小小 抱怨 最高法院新来的法官 极大的努力 at one sitting at one’s own pace fall on a slippery floor the daily succession of small complaints a new Supreme Court justice supreme effort Words and Expressions—C to E 与某人争论某事 花样滑冰选手 保持理性 安静下来;定居 以自我为中心的 暂时 argue with sb. over sth. figure skater stay rational settle down self-centered for the time being Words and Expressions—C to E Back 征服广袤的荒野 最有用的东西 自视甚高 毫无疑问 蹑手蹑脚地走开 交通繁忙的大路 有人为伴 某人主要的高洁之处 砍柴 洗衣服 汉英互译 短语活用 句式应用 随 笔 to tame the great wild areas a major commodity to speak highly of oneself no doubt about it to creep away a busy road to have company the main point of one’s nobility to chop wood to do a laundry English Equivalents of Chinese 预习 课文 导入 写作 Back 以……为伴 随意 熬夜 详细叙说 快乐的结局 汉英互译 短语活用 句式应用 随 笔 to have … for company as you please to stay up late to talk at length a happy ending English Equivalents of Chinese 预习 课文 导入 写作 抛弃;驱逐某人: 找出;搜寻出: 动身;阐述: 放松; 伸出; 延长: 安下心来,定居: to cast out to seek out to set forth to stretch out to settle down English Equivalents of Chinese 汉英互译 短语活用 句式应用 随 笔 Back 预习 课文 导入 写作 然而他并不自己费神将诗歌写下来,而是唤回女儿们,向她们口述,由她们记下来。 Back 新视野 - 产生式提炼与应用 N H C E 原 句 译 文 逆 译 练 习 产 生 式 提 炼 Then, rather than trouble to put it in his own handwriting, he calls the girls to come back and write it down while he dictates. R


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