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l l 毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 课题名称 浅谈平面公益广告设计与运用 院 系 计算机与软件学院 专 业 班 级 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师: 年 6 月 6 日 摘   要 平面广告在经济高速发达的国家是不可或缺的。平面广告在表现内容方面也是非常广泛,大到国家的方针政策,小到一个商品,都可以成为表现的对象。而公益广告就是其中的一种表现对象,平面公益广告有传播社会文明,弘扬道德风尚的作用。目前我国的平面公益广告作品数量很多,分类也很多,但是大多没有达到宣传的目的,并没有引起公众足够的重视,原因除了所处的环境以外更多的是作品本身的问题,主要就是作品本身没有灵魂,没有创意。 恰逢此次毕业设计结合自身所学专业知识,设计了该节约水资源公益广告,是我根据所学专业知识Photoshop各个功能模块,处理所用到的图片,使其达到理想的效果,从而加以运用,利用了CorelDRAW的矢量图形编辑特点将矢量图形和像素图像相结合,同时综合运用CorelDRAW的各个工具来设计的,结合了公益广告易于理解、可持续运用、受众广泛、丰富的社会应用等特点而设计的,其中还包括了Photoshop和CorelDRAW中一些常规知识点。此次设计是结合社会现象来设计的,有一定的现实意义。 关键词:平面广告;公益广告;Photoshop;CorelDRAW Abstract Plane Advertisement is indispensable in the developed countries. It also has an extensive presenting content, from the national policy, to a single commodity that can be an object to be expressed. While Public Service Ads is a manifestation of these objects, Print Public Service Ads have the functions of spreading social civilization and developing the moral standards. Now our country has a great many of Print Public Service Ads works, and their categories are also many. But most did not achieve the purpose of publicity, and did not attract enough attention to the public, the reasons in addition to the outer circumstances more than is the work itself, mainly for work itself without a soul, and no creativity. Precisely when this graduation design combining my expertise, I designed this Water conservation public service ads. I learned expertise in Photoshop according to each functional module, processing the images used, to achieve the desired effect, so to use. Use of vector graphics editing features CorelDRAW vector graphics and pixel images will be integrated, and comprehensive use of various tools CorelDRAW design, whit a combination of public service ads is easy to understand, sustainable use, audience broad, rich social applications, and so forth. This also includes Photoshop and CorelDRAW point in some general knowledge. This design is combined with social p



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