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24. schedule: 时刻表,日程 on schedule 按时= on time ahead of schedule提前=ahead of time behind schedule 迟于规定的时间 We finished the project ahead of schedule. 我们提前完成了这项工程。 25.The private buses will not depart until they are completely filled up. 将上句变为倒装句. Not until they are completely filled up will the private buses depart. 将上句变为强调句. It is not until they are completely filled up that the private buses will depart. depart [vi.] 离开 We allowed him to depart.???? 我们允许他离去。 They departed for Beijing last week.???? 他们上星期去北京了。 n. departure 26. mention:vtn. 提到,提及 mention (doing) sth mention that从 you never mentioned that you are married Did you mention this to my sister? be not woth mentioning practice: 1. 正如之前提到的那样, 这个实验结果是错误的。(As) 2. 虽然他是这起交通事故的目击者, 但是他没有向警察提及过。(mention) 27.cycle v. 骑自行车或摩托车,循环 你骑车上班吗?  Do you cycle to work? 水经过机器循环使用.   The water is cycled through the machine and reused. 28. native n. 本地人, 本国人 adj.本国的,本国的 当地人native people / natives 本族语 native language=mother tongue When in Rome, do as the the Romans do.入乡随俗 * * Traveling Around China Language points in the text 1. tiring:adj. 令人疲劳的,令人疲倦的 e.g.a tiring journey tired: adj. 感到疲劳的,感到疲倦的 e.g. I was too tired to walk any further. tire: vt. 使疲劳,使疲倦 sth. tire sb. out 累人 sb. be tired out= sb. be worn out=sb. be exhausted 精疲力竭 sb. be tired of (doing) sth. 对...厌倦 e.g.The children have really tired me out. The long journey tired the children out. I’m tired out. I think I’ll go to bed. Hes never tired of teling others his past. tiredness: n. 疲劳 practice 1. The long talk was _______ and all of us were _______ of it. (tire) 2. 你对于这不停的雨感到厌烦吗?(tire) 2.as well: too, in addition 也(放句末) 学生们背了课文, 也背了补充课文. The students recited the text and the additional text as well. 复习:may/ might as well 不如, 还是…的好=had better, 后面加动词原形 妈妈好象知道了这件事, 你不如把真相告诉她. Mum seems to have known this, so you may as well tell her th


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