API STD 管道有关的焊接.pdf

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中国特种设备检验网 服务电话:010 服务QQ:476348737 承压类设备群 机电类设备群 无损检测群 Date of Issue: July 2007 Affected Publication: API Standard 1104, Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities, October 2005. ERRATA/ADDENDUM Please insert the following changes to Std 1104: Section 3.2.2, Change: “branch weld: The completed weld joining a branch pipe or branch fitting to a run pipe.” to “branch weld: The completed groove and/or fillet weld joining a set on or set in branch pipe or a set on or set in branch fitting to a run pipe.” 中 国 Please replace Appendix A with the following attachment: 特 种 设 备 检 验 网 1 中国特种设备检验网 服务电话:010 服务QQ:476348737 承压类设备群 机电类设备群 无损检测群 APPENDIX A—ALTERNATIVE ACCEPTANCE STANDARDS FOR GIRTH WELDS A.1 General and its consistency could be significantly less than Options 1 and 2. Option 3 should only be exercised, when neces- The acceptance standards given in Section 9 are based sary, by skilled practitioners with demonstrated knowledge on empirical criteria for workmanship and place primary of fracture mechanics and pipeline load analysis. With importance on imperfection length. Such criteria have pro- these three options this current revisio


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