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安徽农业大学学报, 2018, 45(2): 378-384 Journal of Anhui Agricultural University [DOI] 10.13610/ki.1672-352x017 网络出版时间:2018/4/27 14:28:12 [URL] /kcms/detail/34.1162.S1427.034.html 床垫用棕榈纤维形态分类研究 1 2 2,3 刘 鑫 ,吴智慧 ,张继雷 (1. 浙江工商职业技术学院建筑工程学院,宁波 315012 ;2. 南京林业大学家居与工业设计学院,南京 210037 ; 3. 美国密西西比州立大学可持续生物产品系,斯塔克维尔 39759) 摘 要:棕榈床垫是以棕榈纤维为主体材料,胶合热压成型的多空弹性结构,棕榈纤维为细丝状,根据提取部 位的不同分棕片纤维和棕板纤维。为深入研究棕榈纤维及所制成床垫的材料力学性能,采用量尺量取长度,电子天 平称取重量,读数显微镜测量直径等方法,对棕榈纤维的横截面微观形态、纵向微观形态、重量、长度、细度和纵 向细度分布等进行分类研究。结果发现,棕榈纤维的横切面为不规则近圆形,表面呈蜂窝状,纵向近似圆柱,表面 比较粗糙;棕片纤维比棕板纤维总体上较轻、较长、较细,粗细变化也较为均匀。 关键词:棕榈纤维;形态分类;床垫 中图分类号:TS664.03 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672352X (2018)02037807 The morphological classification of palm fiber used for mattress LIU Xin1 2 2,3 , WU Zhihui , ZHANG Jilei (1. School of Architectural Engineering, Zhejiang Business Technology Institute, Ningbo 315012; 2. College of Furnishings and Industrial Design, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037; 3. Department of Sustainable Bioproducts, Mississippi State University, Starkville 39759) Abstract: The palm mattress, a porous elastic structure, is built using palm fiber as the main material through a process of plywood hot-pressing. Palm fiber with the shape of filament can be classified into palm leaf sheath fiber (PLSF) and palm petioles fiber (PPF). In order to further study the mechanical property of palm fiber as well as mattress made of palm fiber, we investigated the micro-morphology of its cross-section shape, the mi- cro-morphology of longitudinal section, the weight, the length, the fineness and the distribution


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