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普特南心灵哲学的演进路向 摘 要 普特南是美国著名心灵哲学家,他的机械功能主义理论是心灵哲学当中的一个重要理论。普特南留给心灵哲学研究领域的贡献是他能不断创新哲学观点,并以自我反对和批判精神不断修正自我提出的哲学观点。本文从普特南研究心灵哲学背景作为切入点,结合相关理论,对普特南心灵哲学研究的演进路向进行了简要探析。通过简要分析,认识到机械功能主义是普特南心灵哲学研究体系中的核心内容,并以此形成了他独有的心灵哲学研究体系。尽管普特南倡导了机械功能主义,同时遭遇了诸多人的质疑,也曾被普特南自己提出了反对和相应的反对,但在研究中发现,它依然在心灵哲学研究领域占有着其他心灵哲学观点难以替代的突出地位。普特南的机械功能主义经历了较为曲折的研究过程,其演进路向也是困境重重,但最终还是依靠机械功能主义建树了普特南在心灵哲学研究领域当中的应有地位。以审慎或辩证的观点看普特南机械功能主义的演进路向,它是为现代科学心灵哲学研究奠定了相应研究基础。 关键词:普特南;心灵哲学研究;演进路向 Abstract Putnam is a famous American spiritual philosopher. His mechanical functionalism is of great importance in the field of philosophy of mind. Putnam's contribution to the field of philosophy of mind is that he can constantly innovate philosophical views and constantly amend his philosophical views by self - opposition and critical spirit. Starting from Putnam's study of the background of philosophy of mind, this paper makes a brief analysis of Putnam's philosophy of mind in the light of relevant theories. Through a brief analysis, it is realized that mechanism is the core content of the psychic philosophy research system of Putnam, and has formed his unique research system of psychic philosophy. Although the mechanism of Putnam has been confronted with many questions, it has also been put forward by Putnam's own objections and corresponding objections, but in the study, it still holds the prominent position that other psychic philosophical views are difficult to replace in the field of philosophy of mind. Putnam's mechanism experienced a more tortuous research process, and its evolution was also difficult, but finally, it relied on mechanism to build the position of Putnam in the field of psychic philosophy. From a prudent or dialectical point of view, the evolutionary path of Putnam's mechanism is laid the foundation for the study of modern scientific philosophy of mind. Keyword:Putnam; the study of philosophy of mind; evolution direction 1.绪论 1.1研究背景 针对普特南心灵哲学研究,国内的研究并非较热。开始有学者关注普特南心灵哲学研究,还是因为《理性


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