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Chapter 6 Adjustment and Refusals In business world it is unavoidable to receive complaints and claims. How to appropriately resolve the matter becomes a tough and challenging task. It is said the most difficult businessletter is to respond to complaints and claims. However, there are still some useful tips for writing it without damaging the company's image. Adjustment When you get a complaint or claim, you may either grant an adjustment or reject it depending on the circumstances.When you grant an adjustment, the situation is a happy one for your customer. You are correcting an error. You are doing what you were asked to do. As in other positive situations, a letter written in the direct order is appropriate. The direct-order plan follows these general steps: 1. Begin directlywith the good news. 1 2. Incidentally identify the correspondence that you are answering. 3. Avoid negatives that recall the problem. 4. Regain lost confidence through explanation or action. 5. End with a friendly, positive comment. Refusal Refusal of a request is definitely a bad news message; therefore, an indirect order is preferred. In the refusal letter, you have two goals. The main one is to say no; the other is to maintain goodwill. You could achieve the first goal by simply saying no plainly and directly. Maintaining goodwill, however, requires more. The following general pattern will help you better handle the tasks. 1. Begin with words that indicate response to the request and are neutral as to the answer, and set up the strategy. 2. Present your justification or explanation, using positive language and you-viewpoint. 3. Refuse positively. 4. End with adapted, goodwill comment. The following two letters are written according to the writing principles mentioned above. Now read theletters and try to figure out ho


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