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pre-school programmes A Inova??o Social está presente em diferentes temas hospices carbon trading online tax transactions innovation camp restorative justice social ventures Pledgebanks magazines sold by the homeless fair trade positive deviance incubators microcredit therapeutic communities community wind farms timebanks zero carbon housing production schools participatory budgets distance learning social innovation open source eco-cities slow food police community support officers corporate universities personal budgets health collaboratives world wide web criminal assets recovery congestion charging non-emergency phone numbers co-production skunk works personalisation wikipedia drug courts online learning platforms cognitive behavioural therapy for prisoners consumer co-operatives O QUE é INOVA??O SOCIAL? Novas ideias que d?o resposta às necessidades sociais (actuais ou futuras) Por vezes, s?o apenas novas combina??es ou híbridos de elementos já existentes Mobiliza pessoas, recursos, organiza??es para problemas sociais comuns “EVERY NEW TRUTH PASSES THROUGH THREE PHASES First, it is ignored Second, it is violently opposed Third, it is accepted as being self-evident” Schopenhauer O QUE é INOVA??O SOCIAL? O QUE é A TESE? “BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD” Mohandas Gandhi VIS?O A TESE pretende ser a organiza??o de referência na antecipa??o e promo??o de solu??es inovadoras que melhor respondam a necessidades sociais emergentes MISS?O A TESE cria e implementa respostas inovadoras que melhor promovem desenvolvimento social, igualdade de oportunidades e qualidade de vida, criando parcerias com os sectores público, privado e organiza??es da sociedade civil COMO ACTUA A TESE? “Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all - the apathy of human beings” SOLU??ES INOVADORAS PARA NECESSIDADES SOCIAIS ACTUAIS E EMERGENTES Helen Keller INVESTIGA??O INOVA??O LOCAL REDES AWARENESS CONSULTORIA S


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