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首都医科大学 叶德荣 主要内容 什么是图像配准? 为什么要进行医学图像配准? 怎样进行医学图像配准? 2 回顾:功能图像与解剖图像 MR和CT图像提供结构和解剖信息 MEG、PET、fMRI及SPECT提供功能信息 3 图像配准 配准(对齐Alignment) 图像融合 Image fusion 4 Registration Registration is the process of alignment of medical imaging data (usually for the purpose of comparison). Intra-subject: between data volumes from the same subject Inter-subject: between data volumes from different subjects D. Louis Collins, MINC meeting 2003 Registration techniques issues 5 Motivation / Uses image guided surgery VIPER analysis of functional images characterization of normal and abnormal anatomical variability detection of change in disease state over time Visualization of multimodality data modeling anatomy in the process of segmentation atlas guidance for anatomical interpretation T Peters, K Finnis, D. Gobbi, Y Starreveld - RRI D. Louis Collins, MINC meeting 2003 Registration techniques issues 6 Motivation / Uses analysis of functional images characterization of normal and abnormal anatomical variability detection of change in disease modeling anatomy in the p


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