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精密播种机可变力镇压技术的应用 摘要:随着农业生产水平的不断提高,农业机械化的进一步普及,农民对播种机性能的要求也越来越高。传统的播种方法(如撒播、条播及点播等)在播种方面因播种质量差、浪费种子、增加田间间苗定苗工时及作物产量低等一些缺点已无法满足用户要求。自20世纪90年代以来,精密播种机以其优良的性能指标受到广大用户的青睐,其市场占有率正逐年提高。精密播种机播后进行镇压是北方旱作农业的一项传统农艺技术措施和主要技术环节,其作用一是能提高土壤坚实度,使革带土壤吸收地下水分的能力增加,播后及时进行苗带镇压可使种床紧实度适宜,同时还使种子与周围领土密接,起到提墒、保墒和供墒作用。二是防风蚀,苗带镇压可在垄的两侧形成20厘米左右肩培,从而避免大风对苗眼的侵袭。 本文对精密播种机可变力镇压技术进行了探讨了,为进一步完善精密播种理 论提供技术基础。 本文共分5章。 第1章 绪论。主要介绍选题背景及意义、国内外研究现状、本文的创新点以及主要研究工作。 第2章 相关技术研究。主要阐述可变力苗带镇压器的工作原理、结构与特点等,同时也介绍了精密播种机有关内容。 第3章 精密播种机可变力镇压技术概述。主要是阐述精密播种机可变力镇压技术的优点以及在实际中的应用概况。 第4 章 精密播种机可变力镇压器的试验研究。对精密播种机可变力镇压器进行相关试验,并分析试验测试结果。 第5章 总结与展望。对全文进行总结,并今后研究提出进一步展望。 关键词:精密播种机;可变力;镇压技术 Application of variable force crackdown on precision seeder Abstract: with the continuous improvement of the level of agricultural production, Agricultural Mechanization Popularization, the performance requirement of the seeding machine is more and more high. The traditional sowing methods (such as sowing, drill and on demand ) in the seeding because of poor sowing quality, waste, increase seed field thinning establishing man-hour and crop yield lower some shortcomings have been unable to meet the requirements of users. Since the nineteen ninties, precision seeding machine for its excellent performance by the majority of users of all ages, its market share is increasing year by year. Precision seeder for repression is the northern dry farming a traditional agronomic measures and main technical link, its function is able to increase the soil compaction, soil absorption ability of the leather belt of underground water increase, sowing time after seedling with repression can make the bed compaction is appropriate, but also to the seed and the surrounding territorial contact, to increase soil moisture, soil moisture and moisture. Two is the wind erosion, seedling with repression can be formed about 20 cm in shoulder and ridge on both sides, so as to avoid the invasion of the Miaoyan gale. The technology of variable precision seeder crackdown is


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