美英报刊阅读教程 (15).ppt

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美英报刊阅读教程 (15)

2. Vermonts civil unions are ________. A. marriages with all the legal advantages B. unions without legal advantages C. non-marriages with most of the legal advantages D. non-marriages without legal advantages 3. From the article, we know that in American same-sex marriage legalization is more acceptable among ________. A. white people B. black people C. young people D. old people 4. Some of the religious right seem to welcome the arrival of the same-sex marriages because________. A. they believe that gays have the inalienable right to marry B. homosexuals fully reveal themselves in this way C. they sympathize with homosexuals D. they have to show support for the law 5. John Kerrys real intention in trying to finesse a position that might satisfy both sides is to ________. A. show his agreement with both sides B. strengthen the unity between the two sides C. show his ability to get the two sides together D. ensure the support from both sides in the presidential election 美英报刊阅读教程 端木义万 Free Powerpoint Templates Page 1 Lesson 12 Another Thirty Years War in the m aking? Another Thirty Years War in the making? Key to Questions Photos Diagrams Additional Notes Background Information Key Pictures Notes Contents Background Structure Structure Analysis Background Information Gay Marriage in the US In most of the United States, marriage between partners of the same sex is not legally recognized and the issue of homosexual marriage provokes controversy. Religious conservatives who believe that the Bible forbids same-sex relationships constitute the most outspoken opponents of gay marriage in the United States. These critics, who fear that the recognition of gay partnerships threatens the institution of marriage, have spearheaded legislative efforts to explicitly restrict the definition of marriage to heterosexual couples. Backg


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