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Hubble n 哈勃 telescope n 望远镜 launch v 发射 space n 空间(指宇宙空间) billion n. 10亿 faulty adj 有错误的 astronaut n 宇航员 Key words & expressions Hubble Trouble with the Hubble astronaut The Solar System eight planets many comets (彗星) other objects (asteroids小行星, debris 碎片etc.) 太空旅行:飞往冥王星 Which one of the planets has life on them? How did life begin on the earth? The origin of life on earth is a question t hat interests not only astronomers but also ancient people. Are we alone(孤单的) in the universe ? in the universe = in space The Hubble telescope 望远镜 Galaxy 星系 comets 彗星 space shuttles 航天飞机 Planets stars 行星 the Great Wall ? aliens ? It is above the earth’s___________. atmosphere above = outside It costs over a billion dollars. over = than It was launched into space by NASA. NASA: 美国国家航空和宇宙航行局 astronaut 宇航员 The shuttle Endeavour will take the astronauts to the Hubble. galaxy The galaxy is very _________from us. distant Hubble n 哈勃 telescope n 望远镜 launch v 发射 space n 空间(指宇宙空间) billion n. 10亿 faulty adj 有错误的 astronaut n 宇航员 Key words & expressions shuttle n 航天飞机 Endeavour n “奋进”号 Robot-arm n 机器手 grab v 抓 atmosphere n 大气层,氛围 distant adj 遥远的 galaxy n 星系 universe n 宇宙 eagle eye n 鹰眼 Key words & expressions ★ telescope n.(单筒)望远镜 Key words & expressions ★launch [ l?:nt?, lɑ:nt? ] 发射 launch the Hubble Key words & expressions ★ space [speis] n. ①太空 spaceman,spaceship ②空地,空处 Is there a space for the car? 同义词room n. 空间(不可数);房间(可数) Could you make room for me? Key words & expressions ★ billion [bilj?n] 十亿 several billion 几十亿 hundred/ thousand/ million / billion/ trillion hundreds of 成百上千 thousands of 成千上万 [‘milj?n]百万 [’trilj?n] 万亿 Key words & expressions ★ faulty [f?:lti ] 错误的 faulty decision 错误的决定 fault n. 错误 It’s all my fault .我的过


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