新职业英语 视听说1 Unit 7.ppt

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Speaking 1 2. Work in pairs. Role-play a conversation between Billy Taylor, who is conducting an opinion survey on public transportation, and a passenger in the street. The survey should involve the following aspects. Speaking 1-2 Sample: A: Excuse me, Sir. My name is Billy Taylor. I am from the City Public Transportation Corp. Would you have time to answer a few questions? B: What is it for? A: We are conducting an opinion survey on whether passengers are happy with the city’s public transportation system. B: Well, in that case, I would be glad to. A: Which public transportation do you usually take, bus, ferry or subway? B: I usually take the subway. A: How often do you use/take it? B: I use subway almost everyday. A: Do you think the subway journey is better than by bus? B: Yes, I think so. At least there will be no traffic jams. A: And do you think the subway ticket is overpriced? B: Er... The subway is indeed a little more expensive than the bus. But taking its speed and convenience into consideration, I think the ticket is still reasonable. A: Thank you so much! Your opinion is very useful to us. Speaking 1 3. Work in pairs. Complete and practice the following conversation with your partner in turn. A: Good morning, Flitz Co. After-sales. B: This is Frank Song from ABC Ltd. I am calling to complain about the latest order. A: ? B: We ordered 100 boxes of Herbal Shampoo a month ago. But the goods arrived are 100 boxes of Flora Shampoo. A: ? B: Yes, we do. I will fax the copy of the contract to you now. What’s wrong with it, Mr. Song? Do you have a copy of the contract A: . I will inform our Shipping Department right away to see if it is their mistake. B: I’m very unhappy with your mistake.


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