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摘要 Ⅰ 摘 要 近年来,在国内外,数控机床逐渐在现代机床控制技术中占据了不可替代的位置。随着科学技术的发展和客观需求,数控机床正向着高性能、高精度、高稳定性、高速度的方向发展,与此同时,作为数控机床的关键部件,数控刀架的主流发展方向也就相继确定,以此来满足高效率、高质量的生产要求。刀架主要是用在车床上,使车削中心一次装卡可以完成多道工序,避免了二次装卡带来的误差。参考传统的伺服刀架以及直驱伺服刀架的原理及结构,本次设计了一种力矩电机嵌入刀盘内部,直接驱动刀架的结构。 本次设计的刀架依靠嵌入在刀盘内部的力矩电机直接驱动,没有中间环节。电机的定子与转子分别与主轴和刀盘固联,从而实现刀盘的旋转换刀。利用光栅与刀盘螺纹连接,实现刀盘的粗定位,通过鼠牙盘的啮合和分离实现精确定位。同时,后部设计了液压系统来控制鼠牙盘的运动。该刀架结构简单,具有精度高,故障率低等优点,且占据面积小,节省空间。 在设计出直驱伺服刀架基本结构的基础上,通过分析工作原理,进一步完成刀架的总体设计。对刀架的关键部件进行设计计算,尤其是力矩电机的参数计算。完成二维装配图,建立三维模型并对关键部件进行有限元分析。 关键词:直驱刀架;结构设计;有限元分析 Abstract Ⅱ Abstract In recent years, at home and abroad, CNC machine tools in the modern machine tool control technology gradually occupy an irreplaceable position. With the development of science and technology and the objective demand, NC machine tools are going to be high performance, high precision, high stability, high speed, at the same time, as the key components of NC machine tool, the mainstream development direction of CNC turrets have been determined, in order to meet the production requirements of high efficiency, high quality. Turret is mainly used in lathe turning center, make a card can complete the multi-channel processes, avoid two times chucking error. According to traditional servo turret and direct drive servo turret principle and structure, the design of a torque motor embedded within the structure of disc cutter, direct drive the turret The design of the tool by torque motor is embedded in the cutter internal drive directly, without intermediate links. Motor stator and rotor are respectively fixed with spindle and cutter, so as to realize the rotary knife changing cutter. The thread connecting grating and cutter, achieve the coarse positioning cutter, to achieve precise positioning of the engagement and separation of rat tooth disc. At the same time, the design of the hydraulic system will control the mouse tooth plate motion. The knife has the advantages of simple structure, high accuracy, low failure rate, and small occupied area, s


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