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大连理工大学毕业设计(论文)格式规范 - PAGE II - - PAGE I - 摘 要 本文首先简述了该项目设计的目的和意义,幼儿感受环境的能力很强,透过视觉留给孩子们更多的是心灵的归宿感、亲切感,创设富有审美情趣的环境能提高幼儿的审美能力。故体现了中小学校园文化设计的重要性。面对国内中小学校校园环境的建设经历了从创立到定型化、普遍化,再到新型校园陆续创建这样的发展过程。旧校舍在建筑形态上大多千篇一律,缺乏从学生身心发展角度进行的环境设计,也缺乏地方特色以及文化内涵。设计存在诸多问题,如校园景观不协调、建筑风格单一;小品、雕塑位置不突出,缺乏视觉上的影响力;校园绿化系统不完善;空间场所的布置缺乏人文精神的体现等。通过体现自然与美的结合、体现童趣及身心协调、体现历史与文化认知、体现学校特色、体现社区或乡村文化五个方面进行项目设计原则的简要探究。从国内中小学校校园环境的建设经历了从创立到定型化、普遍化,再到新型校园陆续创建这样的发展过程。旧校舍在建筑形态上大多千篇一律,缺乏从学生身心发展角度进行的环境设计概述了整体的设计。 关键词:校园文化;原则;设计概述 大连理工大学本科毕业设计(论文)题目 - PAGE II - The Campus Culture Design of Primary and Middle school Abstract This paper firstly introduces the purpose and significance of the project design, children feel the environment ability is very strong, through the visual left children more is the destination of the soul, intimacy, create rich aesthetic environment can improve the children's aesthetic ability. Therefore, it reflects the importance of campus culture design for primary and middle school.. In the face of the domestic and middle school campus environment construction experienced from the creation to the stereotypes, universal, and then to the new campus to create such a development process. Most of the old school buildings in the form of the same building, the lack of physical and mental development from the perspective of the students, there is a lack of local characteristics and cultural connotations. Design has many problems, such as campus landscape coordination and construction style single; sculptures, position is not prominent, lack of visual impact; campus greening system is not perfect; the layout of the space lack the embodiment of humanistic spirit. The reflected combination of natural beauty, reflect the playful and physical and mental harmony, reflect the historical and cultural cognition and reflect the characteristics of the school and reflect the community or country culture five aspects of project design principles briefly explore. From the construction of school environment


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