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2018-2019学年宁夏青铜峡市高级中学高二上学期期中考试 英语学科 第一题:听力(30分) 第一节每段对话仅读一遍。 第二题:阅读理解(40分) A Bullets(子弹)to Bandages:Life Inside the Israel Defense Forces Mark Terris, M.D. www. xlibrs. com $34.99 hardcover / $23.99 sof cover / $3.99 e-book The book explores he daily life inside he Israel Defense Forces. These are rue s ories ha cen er on he experiences of four Israeli soldiers and provide readers wi h a personal view of life in he Israeli army, he meaning of friendships and he soldiers9 coming-of-age. The One Who Shows the Way: Evolving umanity From Psycho-logical To Psycho-spiritual Living Billy Gran www.xlibrispublishing.co.uk $39.92 hardcover / $23.28 sof cover / $4.99 e-book This book ells my 12-year Journey hrough midlife crisis (危机)Seen as a microcosm (缩影)of Wha is going on in religion, socie y and humani y, i shows wha we need o do o develop. 一Billy Gran Bless(祝福)Your Little Cotton Socks: Beyond the Quirky Saying of My Eccentric Scottish Mum Diane Radford www amazon con $27.99 hardcover /16.95 sof cover / $9.99 e-book In his deligh ful essay collec ion, readers en er he pleasan world of Diane Radfords paren s and share in laugh-ou -loud-funny, a imes moving, even s ha show how Diane is al oge her blessed一no jus her co on socks. The readers will be oo . Ni a Cubetadas Angelica Gonzalez www.au $26.99hardcover / $19.99 sof cover / $3.99 e-book Ni a Cube adas is he second book of Lorenzas amazing adven ures. This book guides readers hrough several ex reme and funny si ua ions o deal wi h he boring ba h ime. This s ory promo es environmen preserva ion and animal welfare. 2 1. Who wro e s ories abou he life of Israel soldiers? A .Angelica Gonzalez. B. Mark Terris, M.D. C. Diane Radford. D. Billy Gran . 22. How much should you pay for a hardcover book describ


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