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“对外贸易是增加我们财富和现金的通常手段,在这一点上我们必须时时谨守这一原则。在价值上,每年卖给外国人的货物,必须比我们消费他们的多。” ——托马斯·孟 ( 《英国得自对外贸易的财富》1664年,中译本,第4页) ; ; 1. The mercantilist economic system National wealth (2) Economic activity: zero-sum game. 零和博弈 (One countrys economic gain was at the expense of another) (3) Accumulation of wealth through trade. Favorable balance of trade would help to earn gold. ; 2. Economic policies pursued by the mercantilists (1) Control the use and exchange of precious metals. (2) Prohibit the export of precious metals by individuals. Rulers let specie leave the country only out of necessity. (3) Smugglers of specie were subject to swift punishment, often death. (4) Exclusive trading rights for certain routes or areas were given to specific companies. (5) Subsidize exports, restrict imports of consumption goods.; §2 David Hume’s Challenge to Mercantilism ; §3 Adam Smith ’s Theory of Absolute Advantage ;Assumptions of the theory of absolute advantage (1) 2 countries, 2 products. 1 factor of production; (2) Fixed endowment of resources and technology level; (3) Factors of production mobile within a country, immobile between countries; (4) A labor theory of value; (5) Constant production costs; (6) Full employment; (7) Perfect competition; (8) No government intervention in economic activity; (9) Transportation costs are zero. ;2. Challenge to Mercantilism (1) Productive capacity nations wealth (2) Specialization productivity gains. (3) Specialize in and export goods that a nation has absolute advantages. (4) Free environment. (laissez faire [lei′sei′fe?r]) ;3. Example;Comparative advantage David Ricardo, in his 1819 work On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation Co


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