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2010 届本科生毕业论文(设计 ) 关于中小企业融资难问题的调研报告 ——结合林城县 36 家中小企业融资现状分析 摘 要 随着国家大趋势的发展,近些年,林城县引进多家中小企业入驻,对县域经济的发展 起到推动作用。然而中小企业融资难问题的日益凸显,成为制约林城县中小企业发展的难 题,是困扰林城县中小企业成长与发展的顽疾。进而由企业融资难问题引发了技术水平的 转化难、人才的引进难、生产的经营难、市场的开拓难和持续发展难等一系列难题。如何 破解中小企业融资瓶颈 , 保证中小企业健康发展 , 不仅关系到县域经济的持续发展,更关系 到中小企业的做大做强和企业自主创新能力的提高。本文通过对林城县 36 家中小企业的 行业分布、企业规模等方面进行调查,对企业的融资情况以及融资渠道进行调查研究,重 点剖析 , 探寻中小企业融资难的原因 , 提出可操作性的解决办法。 关键词: 中小企业;融资;调研分析 1 2010 届本科生毕业论文(设计 ) On the financing of SMEs in the research report -Combined with Lincheng Analysis of 36 SMEs Financing ABSTRACT With the development of the national trend, in recent years, Lincheng introduces a number of small and medium enterprises which play a essential role in accelerating economical development. However, the problem of financing of SMEs has become increasingly prominent to the development of SMEs in Lincheng, and the problem has limited to the growth of Linchengeconomy. Then the problem of financing of enterprises makes the conversion of technological skills and the introduction of telent,the business of production, market development and sustainable development difficult and a series of other difficult problems. How to crack financing of the SMEs bottlenecks and ensurethe healthy development of SMEs are important to the countys sustained economic development, also relate to SMEs and enterprises which can become bigger and stronger and progress in the ability of independent innovation . Based on the investigation of Lincheng 36 SMEs in the industry d


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