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知识回顾Knowledge Review 祝您成功! Unit 2 Topic 3 Section B my your his her its our your their 我 你 他 她 它 我 你 他/她/它 的 的 的 的 的 们 们 们 的 的 的 形容词性物主代词 Review my his her its your yours ours theirs Fill the blanks mine your his hers its our yours their 物主代词:形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 巧记形物与名物的“口诀” *形容词性能力差,自己不能来当家, 后面需把名词加。 e.g. This is my T-shirt. *名词性能力强,自己独来又独往, e.g. This T-shirt is mine. Whose cat is this? It’s her cat. It’s hers. whose 引导的特殊疑问句 Whose baby is this? It’s his baby. It’s his. Whose schoolbags are these? They are our schoolbags. They are ours. Whose bike is this? It’s my bike. It’s mine. Whose bananas are those? They are our bananas. Whose pens are those? They are their pens. They are theirs. Whose jacket is this? I think it’s Kangkang’s. 否定式 I dont think it’s Kangkang’s. e.g. He thinks you are right. He doesnt think you are right. Look, listen and say. (影片) (录音1) Whose toy is this? It’s Li Ming’s toy. It’s Li Ming’s. Kangkang’s shoes Sally’s gloves 区分: Lucy and Lily’s room. (两人共有的房间) Lucy’s and Lily’s rooms.(两人各自的房间) “’s” 是名词所有格的一种形式。 延伸: “of”短语也可以用来表示所属关系。 e.g: a map of China 一幅中国地图 Teachers’ Day Women’s Day Mr. Brown’s car my teacher’s coat Whose bed is this? It’s Lucy and Lily’s. Lucy Lily Whose bed are these? They are Tom’s and Jim’s. Tom Jim 2a Listen and match. (录音2) A B C D Make up dialogs with your partners. A: Whose … is this/that? B: It’s … A: Whose … are these/those? B: They’re … Fill in the blanks with his, mine, your and whose. Then practice with your partner. Is this eraser? eraser is it, then? No, it’s not . It’s Zhang Lan’s. ① your mine Whose your mine his This skirt is Lily’s. These babies are hers. That schoolbag is his. 名词性物主代词作主语时 如果含义是单数,后面的be动词用is; 如果含义是复数,那么be动词则用are. His schoolbag ____ green. Her babies ____lo


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