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. . . . @心一老师 核心词汇 A abandon abide bid abide by =bear/endure/tolerate/ put up with come up with =put forward=raise catch up with =keep up with abnormal ab-away from norm enormous aboard board abound in/with abroad broad go abroad absent present-presence absence abstract tractor abundant abundance abuse abuse drug abuse one’s authority abuse one’s wife accelerate access -cess/-ceed/-cede=go/move have access to+n/doing succeed in, to success-successful succession successive proceed to process in process of precede preceding precedent exceed sb’s expectation excess an excess of excessive recede re-again/back recession economic recession concede = compromise concession accommodation ac commod ate commode accomplish polish accomplishment achieve-achievement fulfill-fulfillment accord account accountant take sth into account =take account of =give thought to =give consideration to account for=make up on this(that/no) account/on account of hold sb to account accumulate accuse curse accuse sb. of sth. blame sb. for sth. charge sb. for sth. sue sb. for sth. prosecute sb. for sth. accustomed be accustomed to doing = be used to doing =be conditioned to doing used to do be used to do achieve accomplish-ment achieve-ment acknowledge admit-put mit-mission confess/profess fess-speak permit acquire get/obtain/gain -quire inquire require actual act---action---actor/actress active---activity ---activate actual---actually = in fact =in effect=in practice=in truth react---reaction + to counteract---counteraction transact---transaction adapt adopt adopt sth./adopt sb’s advice adopt sb./adopt an orphan an adopted son an adoptive parent additional add-addtion-additional address approach(near)/handle/tackle (touch) dispose of/deal with/cope with/ get a handle on adequate equal-equally adjust justice prejudice adjust sth.


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