2020年吉林省高考英语模拟试卷5套(附答案解析) .docVIP

2020年吉林省高考英语模拟试卷5套(附答案解析) .doc

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高考英语一模试卷 题号 得分 I II III IV V 总分 一、阅读理解(本大题共 15 小题,共 30.0 分) A The hottest cities in the world The locations below are the hottest and also travel destinations on the planet. Bangkok According to the data, Bangkok is the hottest city on the planet - not because of any particularly impressive high temperatures, but because it is consistently hot all the year round. The city has an average annual temperature of 29℃, coupled with high dampness and an average of 128rainy days per year; while the highest temperature on record is 40℃. Timbuktu, Mali Located on the southern edge of the Sahara Desert, the African city of Timbuktu is similar to everything remote. It's also one of the hottest cities in the world, with a hot, dry climate offering record highs of 49℃. Throughout April, May and June, average maximum temperatures are beyond 40℃. Modern-day Timbuktu is slowly being swallowed by the desert and is certainly a shadow of the trade center that it once was. Ahvaz, Iran Built on the bank of the Karun River, Ahvaz is an industrial city with average highs of around 46℃ during July, its warmest month. The city's record high is 54℃, making it one of the world's hottest cities during the summer. Frequent sand and dust storms and an absence of rain from July to September mix with its sky-high temperatures. Kuwait City The wealthy capital of Kuwait is another competitor for the title of the world's hottest summertime city with average highs of over 45℃ from June to August.Nightfall brings little respite(缓解), with after-dark low temperatures often over 30℃ during the summer months. Kuwait City's record high is 52℃, while it rains on an average of just 19 days per year. 1. What is the Bangkok famous for in climate? ______ A. The highest temperature. B. The hot weather all year round. C. The highest annual temperature. D. The lack of rainfall all year round. 2. Why is Timbuktu no longer a trade center? ______ A. The small population of Mali. B. The war lasting for many years. C. T


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