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Hyperbole A hyperbole is a figure of speech in which the author makes an obvious exaggeration for emphasis or in order to create some other specific effect (such as humor, emphasis, or surprise). She laughed, and the whole world laughed with her. For she was beautiful—her beauty made The bright world dim, an everything beside Seemed like the fleeting image of a shade. to be dying of laughing or thirst 笑、渴死了 to blush to the roots of one’s hair 脸红到头发根 to bore or worry sb. to death 叫人讨厌或烦死了 to catch one’s death of cold 感冒得要死 Your joke will be the death of me. 你讲的笑话要把我笑死了。 She has to do all the cleaning、washing、cooking、shopping、a hundred and one other things. Don’t worry we have a thousand and one ways to do it.? 不发愁,我们有许多方法可以做的。? I could sleep for a whole year. 我太困了。 I'm so busy trying to accomplish ten million things at once. His smile was a mile wide. My town is so small, "now entering" and "now leaving" are on the same sign. Seventy times seven did I take counsel with my soul. 我在内心深处不知考虑了多少次。 I have warned you a hundred times. 我已经警告你多少遍了. Jurgis was a young giant,broad of back,full of vigor,a working-man in a thousand. 尤格斯年轻而高大魁伟.肩宽背阔,精力充沛,是个百里挑一的干活人。 I’ve told you forty times that if you touched that jam I’d skin you. 你要是偷吃果酱,我就剥你的皮。我对你讲过一百遍了。 不译成40遍. I'll love you three score and ten. 我会一辈子爱你的。 He wrote voluminously in his diary. 他在日记里记下了许多东西。 The cost mounted to astronomical figures. 花费数字大得惊人。 He has an encyclopaedic knowledge of Chinese medicine. 他精通中医。 He was miles out in his calculation. 他的计算大错特错了。 The cheers reached the stars. 欢呼声响彻云霄。 The beautiful scenery beggared all description. 美丽的风情绝非笔墨所能形容。 If you eat one more bite of that pie, you will burst. 如果你再咬一口那馅饼,你的肚子就会涨破。 He committed the sin of sins. 他犯下滔天罪行。 缩小夸张 She was not really afraid of the wild beast, but she did not wish to perform an atom more service than she had been paid for. 她并不真怕野兽,而是不愿意在她报酬之外多出一丁点儿力。 His plan came to naught. 他的计划归于失败。 His social experience was nil. 他毫无社会经验。



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