《希腊罗马神话》第2章Historical Background.ppt

《希腊罗马神话》第2章Historical Background.ppt

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Map of Greece (6). Myth myth (saga) of Theseus [?θi:si?s] (特修斯), Ariadne [??ri??dni] (阿里阿德涅) minotaur [?main?t?:] (人身牛头怪物) Theseus, son of King Aegeus[????????](埃勾斯) of Athens Minotaur, a monster with a bull’s head and human body Athens was forced to pay tribute to(进贡) Minos, king of Crete. The tribute consisted of 7 youths and 7 maidens, who were sent every year to be devoured by the Minotaur. Theseus killed the minotaur with the help of thread and sword given by Ariadne, daughter of king Minos. Theseus Minotaur Aegean Sea (爱琴海) Before Theseus departed for Crete, Aegeus told him to put up white sails when returning if he was successful in killing the Minotaur. However, when Theseus returned, he forgot these instructions. When Aegeus saw the black sails coming into Athens, he jumped into the sea and drowned, mistaken in his belief that his son had been slain. Henceforth, this sea was known as the Aegean Sea. 4. Mycenaean Civilization (mainland) 1600 – 1100 BC Named after city of Mycenae [mai?si:ni:] (迈锡尼), home of Agamemnon [??g??memn?n] (阿伽门农) Large-scale architecture (Fortress palaces, Beehive tombs) Palace-centred economy; wealthy Worship of a supreme sky-god Zeus Speakers of Greek (Linear B tablets) Conquer Minoans in central eastern Crete approximately 1450 BC Rule central eastern Crete from Knossos until 1375 BC The fall of Mycenean civilization is probably due to the Dorian invasion in a long period from the north.(多利安入侵) After that, the Greeks entered the Dark Ages(黑暗时代). Mycenae, Fortified Palace Mycenae Lion’s Gate, Mycenae Mycenae, Grave Circle A Gold Foil Death Mask from Grave Circle A 阿伽门农面具 Inlaid Dagger from Mycenae: Grave Circle A Mycenae: Beehive Tomb of “Atreus” [?eitriu:s] 阿特柔斯之墓 Mycenae: Beehive Tomb of “Atreus” Mycenae, Inside of Beehive Tomb Mycenae, Beehive Tomb of “Clytemnestra” [?klait?m?nestr?] 克吕泰涅斯特拉 Bronze Armour Boars’ Tusk Helmet Mycenae, Linear B Tablets (线形文字B) Mycenae: Wall Painting Ivory Triad from Mycenae My


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