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Knowledge Sharing and Crowdsourcing;Web 2.0 ;;Knowledge Sharing;Question-Answer Forum;Yahoo! Answers;Scoring System;Levels;;Category Clustering;How has one place youve traveled to changed your life? Travel has had a huge impact on me before, opening my eyes and changing my perspective. Some places Ive been have affected me more than others. Where have you been that has changed you and how? Best Answer - Chosen by Asker I dont think of simply one place changing my perspective as I have traveled the world. What I believe travel does is to afford a most excellent education and to (no pun) broaden horizons. To have the opportunity to see and embrace other peoples lifestyles and cultures is wonderful. … … Wherever we have been, we have found wonderful people, many of whom have become dear friends. These new found friends make travel meaningful. Places may be interesting, but it is the people that make travel worthwhile. A typical bad answer Yes. It made me realize that females are equally stuck-up all over the country. (Still earning 2 points! Noise introduced…);What do you do with a 15month old girl who holds her breath till she gets what she wants ? Best Answer - Chosen by Asker Youve gotten a lot of bad answers! I agree that you should *usually* not give in to your child. What my doctor told me to do when my daughter used to hold her breath (she passed out more than 10 times, including in a store once) was to lay her down so that she would be safe and then leave the room. It is one of the hardest things I have ever done, but it does work. … The most difficult thing to understand is that nothing bad will actually happen to your child if shes lying down at the time (if she isnt, she could fall and get hurt). I still find it hard to see a child holding his or her breath, despite knowing this. ;Is Earths solar eclipse unique in the solar system? Can scientific observation and theory prove if are there any other planets in the solar system which have moons that would


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