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Holly’s Magic Wand Somewhere, hidden amongst thorny brambles, is a little kingdom of elves and fairies. Everyone who lives here is very, very small. BEN: I’m Ben Elf. *boo* HOLLY: And I’m Princess Holly. Come on, let’s play! BEN: Wait for us! Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom. Today’s adventure starts at the little castle Holly’s Magic Wand NANNY PLUM: Ah. What a lovely morning for a bit of wand practice. HOLLY: But, Nanny Plum I was going to play with Ben. NANNY PLUM: Princess Holly there’s a time for playing with elves, and a time for wand practice. HOLLY: Please Nanny, I promise to practice later. NANNY PLUM: Very well then, but come in when I …… HOLLY: Thanks Nanny, bye. HOLLY: Oh where’s Ben. Ben!!!??Oh well, I suppose I could do some wand practice while I wait. Now wand what shall we do today? Yes let’s make a pretty hat. Abracazak a pretty hat. Oh it’s not very pretty, and it’s too big, bye bye silly hat. BEN: Hi holly. HOLLY: Hi Ben, I‘am practicing my magic, do you want to see? BEN: Am… ok. HOLLY: Stand very still I’ll make you a new hat. Abracazac magic Ben a hat, oh . BEN:mmmm!mmm! HOLLY: Ben are you in there? Oh its empty, I’ve turned Ben into a hat. BEN: mmm!! Mm!! NANNY PLUM: Oh God what a big hat! HOLLY: Err. It’s Ben. I accidentally turned him into a hat. NANNY PLUM: Princess Holly! That’s exactly why you need to practice your magic more. HOLLY: I was practicing, but it all went a bit wrong. NANNY PLUM: I expect you wave your wand all over the place. HOLLY: I tried waving it right but this wand is No Good. NANNY PLUM: A good fairy never blames her wand. HOLLY: Yes Nanny Plum. NANNY PLUM:??have a good mind to leave Ben like a hat, it will teach you a lesson. BEN: mmm!!mmmmm!!! mmm!!! HOLLY:??Please turn Ben back now, I don’t think he likes being a hat. NANNY PLUM: Oh very well, Watch and learn, din dong dern hat to Ben. BEN: What happened? HOLLY: Things went a bit wrong, but Nanny Plum came to the rescue. BEN: Thank you Nanny Plum. NANNY PLUM: Y


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