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四年级英语复习资料 一、方向: go straight on 直着走 turn left 向左转 turn right 向右转 up↑向上 down↓向下 二、缩写与完整形式: I’m=I am, he’s=he is, she’s=she is, it’s=it is you’re=you are, we’re=we are, they’re=they are there’s=there is, there’re=there are haven’t=have not, can’t=can not, don’t=do not, isn’t=is not, aren’t=are not, 三、单复数: I→we, you→you, she/he/it→they man→men people→people picture→pictures friend→friends house→houses vegetable→vegetables thing→things child→children soup→soup potato-potatos tomato-tomatoes milk-milk rice- rice meat-meat this-these that-those 四、现在分词/动名词/ing 形 式: (去 e 加 ing ) write→writing, take→taking, make→making, ride→riding, (双写加 ing) swim→swimming run→running, 专业整理分享 完美 WORD 格式资料 get→getting, (直接加 ing ) play→playing listen→listening, read→reading, look→looking, row→rowing, drink→drinking want→wanting, cook→cooking jump→jumping, wash→washing, draw→drawing, talk→talking, visit→visiting, count→counting, do→doing, watch→watching turn→turning, 五、重点短语句子 1、Here’s a dog. 这有一只小狗. It’s lost .它迷路了 Excuse me .Where’s No. 2 Park Street ,please? Thank you very mush!十分感谢 You are welcome!不客气 behind the door 在门后面 up the hill 上山 down the hill 下山 near the house 房屋附近 at the station 在车站 2、Look at these pictures.看这些图片。 write a letter 写一封信 do homework 做家庭作业 take pictures 照相 3、Let’s get on the bus . We can see lots of interesting things.让我们上公 交车吧.我们能看到许多有趣的事情 in the park 在公园 on the lake 在湖上 under the tree 在树下 I’m hungry.我饿了。 It’s next to a supermarket.它紧靠一 家超市的旁边。 This is my friend, Lingling.这是我的 朋友,玲玲。 4、Do you want some rice? 你想要一些 米饭吗? Chinese fast food! 中式快餐 Here you are.给你。 ow mush is it? 多少钱? t’s six yuan for ten.6 元十个 make dumplings 做饺子 完美 WORD 格式资料 cooking vegetables. I’m making cakes. I’m making some soup. I’m making some noodles. 5、Can you run fast?你能跑得快吗? I’m afraid I can’t.我恐怕不能 六、一般将来时  (be going to 打 jump high 跳高 jump far 跳远 ride fast 骑得快 I’m the winner.我是冠军。 6、Come here!过来 It’s very dark.太黑了 Can I come in? 我能进来吗? Yes,of course. 当然 There is a horse in this photo.照 片里有一个小马


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