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;; Look at these pictures. Discuss what they have in common. Predict what it is going to be about.;;Pre-reading questions;Task 1 Skimming;2) My real father, Alan Turing, … 3) I was always lonely standing there by myself, until in early 1960s they gave me a family connected by a network.;Task 2 Fast reading;1642;1940s;Development;Development;1;7;The history of computers;;Task 5 QUESTION-ANSWER COMPETITION ;What is PC? Speak the name on the whole.;5. What is W.W.W?;9. Who was the first person to devise the first computer?;Read the passage and then fill in the chart.;RECORD CARD;1. in common: for or by all of a group 共同的;共有的;共用的 the land owned in common by the residents 居民共有的土地 in common 常常同have连用,如: have nothing in common 无共同之处 have little in common 几乎无共同之处;have something in common 有一些共同之处 have a lot in common 有许多共同之处 以下是从英国国家语料库中选出来的几个例句: 1) You know, Dorothy, you and I have one thing in common. 2) We just had nothing in common and I couldnt communicate with his dull business friends. 3) I suddenly felt we had a lot in common.;2. calculate v. work (sth.) out by using numbers;3. analytical adj.分析的, 解析的 analyse vt. 分析;研究 analogy n. 相似;类似 analysis n. 分析;研究 analyst n. 分析家 analytic adj. 分析的;分解的;4. artificial adj. 人工的, 人造的 artificial flowers/limbs/pearls 假花/假肢/假珍珠 artificial intelligence 人工智能;5. As a result 结果;终于;因此。 [考例] My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever; ______, he could neither eat nor sleep. (江西2005) A. as a result B. after all C. any way D. otherwise [点拨] 考查短语辨析。as a result结果; after all毕竟; any way不管怎样;otherwise 否则。由句意可知要选as a result。 ;6. totally adv. 整个地;完全地 totally blind 全盲 total adj. 完全的; 整个的 total silence 寂静无声 in total 总共;7. Over time my memory has developed so much that, ... I never forget anything I have been told. [考点] so ... that ... 引导结果状语从句。 [考例1] The weather was ______ cold that I didn’t like to leave my room. (2008 全国卷I)


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