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PAGE1 / NUMPAGES1 2020年商务英语BEC中级阅读模拟试题 Questions 1-7 Look at the sentences below and the job advertisementson the opposite page. Which job does each sentence 1-7 referto? For each sentence, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) onyour Answer Sheet. You will need to use some of these letters more thanonce. Example:0 This post involves some secretarial duties.0 A B C D 1 You will be responsible for the operation of acomputer system. 2 You must be able to forecast what people will want towear. 3 You will be able to work with people from manydifferent countries and backgrounds. 4 You will have a qualification which covers two subjectareas. 5 It is necessary to have worked in this sector before.6 You will need to keep in contact with the headquartersof the organization. 7 The advertisement emphasises the need to have asuitable approach to important people. ABUSINESS MANAGERYou will be responsible for ourglobal business within specific countries and will have agood understanding of international distribution, possiblybased on previous experience, plus the ability to work inmarkets that are highly varied in their culture. You will befluent in a second language, be willing to travel extensively,and preferably have a degree. BDEPARTMENT STORE BUYERBased at our head office inLondon, you will select and order stock from our suppliers inItaly. You will need to predict fashion trends and build astrong relationship with our Italian office. You will havegainedyour buying experience in women’s fashion and willhold a degree in design with a business studies component. CLEGAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATORAs head of the legaloffice, your work will include managing the office IT network,typing reports, diary maintenance and supervision of anotherstaff member. You will need good organizational skills inorder to keep ahead of a varied workload. You will be dealingwith senior executives and government officials, so a matureand efficient manner is essential. DREGIONAL LEISURE SITES MANAGERYou will be


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