外研版(三起)(2012)小学英语四年级下册Module 3 Unit 1 Robots will do everything.教案(7).doc

外研版(三起)(2012)小学英语四年级下册Module 3 Unit 1 Robots will do everything.教案(7).doc

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精品文档 PAGE . Module 3 Unit 1 Robots will do everything 1教学目标 知识目标:要求学生能够听懂会说课文中的词汇:robot,walk ,talk ,one day, everything,能听懂会说课文中的新词组: do the housework , help children learn.语言功能继续学习用can谈论能力,学习用will谈论将来,要求学生能够运用学过的语言畅想未来机器人会做什么。 能力目标:能够听懂会说本模块句型,能灵活运用功能句谈论将来的行为,培养学生的想象能力。 情感目标:在积极参与教学活动及小组合作中激发学生兴趣,体会到学习的快乐。 运用目标:运用所学习的Will they...?结构,能够表达将来机器人将做什么。 2学情分析 本模块内容设计适合四年级学生,他们经过一年的学习初步具备一定的听说读的技能,有较好的模仿能力,在老师的引导下,能运用所学基本句型进行语言操练,在课堂教学中能积极参与,互动交流。本课主要运用will 对将来要做的事情进行提问,对于大多数学生来说比较容易掌握。但是,要灵活自如地运用重点句型进行语言交流,还需要大量的操练。 3重点难点 灵活运用Will they…?以及回答Yes, they will. No, they won’t.来谈论将来发生的事情。掌握housework/homework的读音以及区别 4教学过程 活动1【导入】Step 1 Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls. S: hello T: How are you, today? S: I’ fine, thank you. T:(分组)Now, you are group1.You are group2 T:before the class, let’s say hello to the students in 大溪primary school. You are group3 T:let’s say hello to the students in 护国primary school. Now,you are group4.after class ,let’s see which group will be the winner. 活动2【活动】Step 2 Play a game. T: Please do as I say. (Walk, jump, run, play basketball.) T: wonderful, I want to have a chant with you, OK? Look here(播放多媒体)Let’s have the chant together. now ,show me your hands and clap with me. Walk, walk, I can walk Run, run, I can run Jump, jump, I can jump Swim, swim, I can swim 活动3【讲授】step3 T: well down .each group can get a star. Let’s clap our hands to ourselves. 1、 ,we can do these things. I have a friend. It can do these things, too. Look here, its coming. What is it? (出示机器人的图片) Ss: 机器人. T:(学习单词)It is a robot. please read after me ,robort ,robort .(each group please read this words twice) 师出示两张图片,引出roborts T: Listen, what can Robot do? 引出Robot can talk . And it can walk. 2. Now, let’s guess, One day, what will Robots do? (引出新单词One day)(师说大声,生说小声些) 3 ,师让生猜,机器人将会做什么?引出help children learn,教授单词learn, learn。(开火车传单词,师拍掌,让生拍肩传单词learn) 4,用同样的方法教授(do the housework,(请一学生扮成机器人,打扫卫生) do the homework) (学习短语,句型) 5. 做游戏,我说你做。 6. One day ,Robots will sing、take pictures/do



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