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Java在线交友平台 在线交友平台 摘 要 随着网络的快速发展,越来越多的人加入到互联网大军当中,人也想通过互联网结识更多的朋友。但现有的交友平台大多以婚恋为主题,并不适合所有人,所以需要发展一种新的,适合的交友平台,开发一套交友的网络平台系统很有必要。 在这个系统中我综合应用了MySQL、Java、JSP等知识。网页界面的结构设计以实用性出发,具有易于操作、简洁、方便等特点。在设计中,首先,运用HTML语言对网站的静态页面进行精细的加工并且在网站的美工方面取得了良好的效果。其次,对于Java编程、JSP的动态编程以及MySQL数据库进行努力学习和大量实践,并运用到了网站的建设中。 本论文就交友网站进行了详细全面的论述。访问本系统的用户分为会员和管理员二个角色,二个角色共有十几个功能的实现。系统中会员的主要功能有:浏览会员信息,在线注册、添加好友、查看图片。系统中的管理员的主要功能有:管理系统会员信息管理、日记管理、相册管理、音乐管理、视频管理、留言管理等信息。 关键字 交友网、JSP、MySQL、MyMyeclipse Abstract With the rapid development of the Internet, more and more people to join the army of the Internet, people want to know more friends through the internet. But the existing networking platform mostly with love and marriage as the theme, is not suitable for all people, they need to develop a new, suitable for dating platform, it is necessary to develop a set of network platform system to make friends. In this system the integrated application of MySQL, Java, JSP knowledge. Structure design of webpage interface to practicality, has the characteristics of easy operation, simple, convenient. In the design, first of all, has obtained the good effect of art using the static page HTML language on the website of the fine processing and in site. Secondly, to learn and practice a lot for the dynamic programming, JSP Java programming and MySQL database, and applied to the construction of the site. This thesis is a dating site in detail. Access to the system user is divided into members and administrators two roles, the realization of the two roles are more than a dozen function. The main function of the system of membership are: visit the membership information, online registration, add friends, view pictures. The main function of the system administrator management system: the member information management, diary management, photo album management, music management, video management, message management information. Key Words Friends network, JSP, MySQL, MyMyeclipse 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 摘 要 I A


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