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电感传感器的接口电路设计 摘要:位移测量具有广泛应用,电感式传感器以其结构简单可靠、输出功率大、线性好、抗干扰和稳定性好、价格低廉等特点获得了大量的应用。针对目前电感式位移传感器的应用现状,在对电感式直线位移传感器深入分析的基础上,本文设计了一种电感式位移传感器接口电路。 该电路采用电感传感器把被测位移量转变为微弱电信号,经前置交流放大、相敏整流,直流放大,A/D转换等电路处理后,送入单片机进行综合运算处理后输出,并通过液晶显示结果,可以适应不同量程和分辨率的信号调理要求。文中介绍了整体电路的设计和单片机系统的硬件及软件流程。设计过程中用Protel99 SE对电路原理图进行了绘制,选用了单片机的开发工具Keil C51μvision2对软件设计中的程序进行编写、编译、模拟仿真,电路正常,完成了课题要求的电感传感器对位移测量并显示结果。 关键词:位移测量;电感式传感器;单片机;液晶显示 The Design of the Inductive Sensor Interface Circuit Abstract: the measurement of diaspacement is very important in engineering. Inductive transducers are widely used due to their simple structures,high output capacities,good linearity,good disturbance resistance,good stability and low prices.Based on thoroughly analysis of linear inductive displacement transducers,a inductive displacement transducer interface circuit is designed in this thesis. This metering circuit uses the inductive transceiver to transform that the displacement offset into the weak electrical signal, after the pre- AC amplification, the phase-sensitive rectifier,the DC Larger and the A / D conversion circuit processing, output after processing in the monolithic integrated circuit and display the results through the LCD. It can adapt to different range and resolution of the signal conditioning requirements. In the process of designing, Protel99SE is used to plot schematic diagram, Keil C51μvision2 and the development kit of MCU is used to compile, translate and make simulation about the assemble program. The circuit is in gear and it basically can accomplish the task of measure of the displacement offset through the inductive sensor and dispiay the result. Keywords: the measurement of displacement;the inductive sensor;MCU;LCD 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1 绪论 1 1.1 本文的课题背景及意义 1 1.2 课题的研究现状 1 1.3 课题研究方法 4 1.4 本课题的主要研究内容 4 2 电感传感器 5 2.1 电感传感器的介绍 5 2.2 电感传感器的工作原理 5 2.3 电感传感器的输出特性 7 2.4 电感传感器测量电路 9 2.4.1 电感式传感器的等效电路 9 2.4.2 交流电桥式测量电路 9 2.4.3 变压器式交流电桥


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