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Most people call them April fools. But sometimes, some countries have other titles. In the French people ShangDangZhe called April fish, probably because in April, the most likely to take the bait fish go; In Britains Scotland, would be called cuckoo, the likelihood is to show a stay birds “天真节”——拉丁美洲的愚人节 Latin America : Naive Festival 12月28日是拉丁美洲国家的“天真节”,其性质就如欧美人的4月1日愚人节。 ??? “天真节”本是一个宗教节日,以纪念当年希律王为了要杀害圣婴耶稣,将耶路撒冷城内两岁以下的婴孩全部杀掉的惨事;由于纪念的是枉死的儿童,故称“天真节”。 ??? 不过,在这个节日中愚弄他人开玩笑,现已成为拉美国家的习俗了。 December 28, Latin America is the innocent festival, its nature as the European and American on April fools day. Innocent festival this is a religious holiday, in memory of that year of king herod in order to kill the child Jesus, will the city Jerusalem under the age of two all kill baby horror; Because of the victims life had cut short commemorates the children, it is called naive festival. However, in this the holiday of fool others kidding, has now become the custom of Latin American countries. Sayings None is a fool always, every one sometimes. ??? 没有终身的傻瓜, 也没有终身不当傻瓜的人 ?If wise men play the fool, they do it with a vengeance. 聪明人做起糊涂事来,那才糊涂 透顶。 Custom On April 1 of fish feast. Also is entirely new. An invitation to fish meal, usually is made out of cardboard with color small fish. Table with green, white dichromatic adornment up. Put among aquarium and small and exquisite on the fishing rod, each on the fishing pole is a green ribbon, hanging to give guest gift, or fish handicraft, or a fish basket filled with candy. It is self-evident that the fish feast on all the dishes are made with fish. The party, the master to fish for raw material carefully cooking dishes, Fried barbecuing, everything. According to tradition, host often in the party to the guests do false dishes, the fake food feast add more relaxed happy festival atmosphere. After the banquet, host to entertain guests candy, but, candy, not on compote, but in the bag. What do children usually do on


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