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背计系列1 阅读中的常见词汇 妙招1 依据前后缀归类记单词 [前缀——置于词根之前并改变原词义的构词成分]  1.否定前缀 [un-] uneasy心神不安的 unfortunately不幸地 unhealthy不健康的 unnecessary不必要的 unwise不明智的   ①I felt uneasy at the presence of so many strangers. 面对这么多陌生人,我感觉很不自在。 ②Unfortunately, the disastrous effects of the drought were felt all over the country. 不幸的是,干旱的灾难性影响遍及全国各地。 ③Although sparrows showed no sign of declining, the chain was generally in an unhealthy state. 虽然麻雀数量没有减少的迹象,但食物链还是总体处于不健康的状态。 [non-] nonprofit非营利性的 nonliving无生命的 nonserious不要紧的 nonverbal非言辞的   ①An ecosystem consists of the living and nonliving things in an area that interact with one another. 生态系统包括同一地区内相互影响的生物和非生物。 ②In fact, one of the best definitions of a sense of humour is “the ability to see the nonserious element in a situation”. 事实上,关于幽默感的最好的定义之一就是“能看到情况还没那么糟糕的能力”。 [im- (in-, ir-)] impatience不耐烦 impossible不可能的 improperly不适当地 impractical不现实的 independence独立 irregularly不规则地   ①A serious study of physics is impossible without some knowledge of mathematics. 不了解数学就不可能深入研究物理。 ②Free repair is available for a product used improperly in the first year. 产品因使用不当而造成的损坏,第一年可享受免费维修。 [dis-] distrust不信任 disability残疾 discourage使气馁 disappointed失望的 disagree不同意 disuse废弃   ①The researchers said that unhealthy lifestyle was related to a greater risk of disability. 研究人员说不健康的生活方式与致残风险增加有关。 ②Do not let any failures discourage you. 别让任何失败使你一蹶不振。 ③They made some experiments in a house disused for years. 他们在一间废弃多年的屋子里做了一些实验。 2.错误前缀 [mis-] misunderstand误解 mistake错误 miscalculate误算;对……判断错误 misconception误解,错觉   ①If I am not miscalculating, there are 3 times. 如果我没算错的话,总共有3次。 ②There are some common misconceptions about the American family values. 关于美国的家庭价值观,存在一些常见的错误观念。 ③Misunderstanding often leads to big mistakes. 误解常会导致大错误。 3.方位前缀 [super-(也可表示程度)] superhero超级英雄 superiority优越;优等 superman超人 supermarket超市 superstar巨星;超级明星 superstore大型超市   ①They should focus on the superiority of products. 他们应该关注产品的优势。 ②Supermarkets make our life more convenient. 超市让我



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