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The architectural culture of Shamian; Lingnan architecture ;Guangfu architectures are mainly distributed in the Great Pearl River Delta area. The representative is wok ear house, which is made of green bricks, stone columns and stone plates. The outer walls are decorated with flowers and birds. It is called wok ear house because its gable is like a wok ear.;Chaoshan architectures take the traditional courtyard and quadrangle as the basic layout, and the most basic forms are called xiashanhu and four gold.;The representative of Hakka architecture is Hakka dragon house.;By the end of the Qing Dynasty, due to the Western colonial invasion, architecture with Western characteristics also followed. As a former British French concession, Shamian is one of the representatives.;What’s style of Shamian architecture?;;Arcade(券廊式);Gothic architecture(哥特式);Neo-baroque(新巴洛克式);;;;Kafelaku Coffee;ORIENT EXPRESS;Hill Springs Magic restaurant;Solution 1;Administrative building;Solution 2;Guangdong Province Museum;Church of Our Lady of Lourdes (露德圣母堂);Solution 3;;Solution 4;;Our team;;All of us shared the online questionnaire on moments and sent it to many chat groups.;When we got to the Shamian Hesitating Nervous Shy Be rejected But then…;Thanks to those who have cooperated with us! Thanks to our partners and Darcy! Thanks for your listening!


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