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上海商虎/张工:158 –0185 -9914 GH1016 GH1016(GH16) 1.Composition(wt%) C Cr Ni W Mo Fe Nb N V B Ce Si Mn P S ≤0.08 19.0-22.0 32.0-36.0 5.0-6.0 2.6-3.6 balance 0.9-1.4 0.13-0.25 0.1-0.3 ≤0.01 ≤0.05 ≤0.6 ≤1.8 ≤0.02 ≤0.15 2.Physical Properties Density (g/cm3) Thermal conductivity w/(m·k)(100℃) Thermal expansion coefficient 10-6(20-100℃)/ ℃ Specific heat capacity J /(kg·℃) 8.31 0.121 14.28 447 ?3.Properties 1.Mechanical properties Condition Temperature (℃) Tensile strength (MPa) Yield strength (MPa) Elongation (%) Annealing 20 823.2 392 43 400 705.6 - 40 500 705.6 274.4 40 600 695.8 274.4 41 700 548.8 254.8 42 800 352.8 313.6 66 900 205.8 147 101 1000 107.8 - 101 2.Endurance properties Condition Temperature (℃) б10 б100 б1000 N/mm2 Annealing 700 352.8 264.6 196 3.Creep and fatigue properties Condition Ttemperature (℃) Creep properties Fatigue properties б N/mm2 Time/h RD(%) б-1 N/mm2 N (cycle) Annealing 800 102.9 100 5 - - 900 49 100 5 13 107 Notr: RD=ersidual deformation 4.Thermal fatigue properties Condition Temperature/℃ Number of cycle Crack length/mm Annealing 800~20 227 0.5 5.After long term aging properties? (1)Mechanical properties Condition 20℃ 700℃ 800℃ 900℃ бb N/mm2 δ5/% бb N/mm2 δ5/% бb N/mm2 δ5/% бb N/mm2 δ5/% Nonageing 862.4 40 588 34 382.2 55 215.6 92 Ageing200℃ 872.2 30 519.4 49 362.6 71 215.6 110 (2)Endurance properties Condition Temperature/℃ б/N/mm2 Time/h δ5/% Annealing 900 51 192 62 Ageing400℃ 234 58 (3)Thermal fatigue properties Condition Ttemperature/℃ Number of Cycle Crack length/mm Nonageing 900~20 70 0.56 Ageing200℃ 0.91 6.Repeated bending cup drawing properties Condition Number of bending Cup drawing depth /mm Annealing 14-17 10.4-11.3 4.Characteristics Oxidation resistance: Sample specification Condition Temperature ℃ Soaking time/h Weight gains g/(m2·h) 1.5mm cold-rolled sheet Solid solution 900 100 0.1038 5.Structure Iron base alloy, solid solution strengthening.? In addition to the austenitic mat


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