高中英语 Unit 17《Laughter》导学案4 北师大版选修6.docVIP

高中英语 Unit 17《Laughter》导学案4 北师大版选修6.doc

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PAGE PAGE 1 用心 爱心 专心 Unit17 LAUGHTER导学案Communication Workshop Tips: All for one,one for all.人人为我,我为人人. Learning aims(学习目标): A(层次): Remember the important words in this part. B:Keep the important words,phrases in mind,and can read the simple passage. C,D:①Learn some important words,phrases and language points in the part.②Understand how a story is written. Important and difficult point:Understand the passage thoroughly. (学习重点、难点) Learning procedures(学习过程): StepⅠLead-in.(B级) Read and then learn about some information about the author Jonathan Swift and his book Gulliver’s Travels(格列佛游记) The author: Jonathan Swift (November 30,1667 – October 19,1745)was an Anglo Irish priest,satirist,essayist,political pamphleteer,and poet, who was born inDublin,Ireland,of an English family which had important connections but little wealth . Gulliver’s Travels(格列佛游记): An Englishman called Lemuel Gulliver travels to the imaginary lands of Lilliput(利力浦特--小人国), Brobdingnag(布罗卜丁奈格--大人国), and Laputa(勒皮他--飞岛), and the country of the Houyhnhnms(慧马国) in Jonathan Swift's satire Gulliver's Travels(1726).The text is adapted from the first part,to Lilliput. StepⅡRead the passage;match each title with each paragraph.(C级) Para.A 1. Attack! Para. B 2. A storm at sea Para. C 3. A special drink Para.D 4. Tied down Para. E 5. Freedom Para. F 6. Welcome speech Para. G 7. Food and wine 8. Tiny people StepⅢRead the passage again.Then complete the story using the linking words below.(七个空已给出答案,填好后请把答案移到课本上) at first, when, before, after, immediately,at last (C级) 1)__________ 2)Then 3)As soon as 4)__________ 5)Suddenly 6)Then 7)________ 8)__________ 9)________ 10)After 11)at last 12)Suddenly StepⅣ用简单的英语把这篇文章复述下来.(D级


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