Health中职英语基础模块 下册Unit 7课件1语文版.ppt

Health中职英语基础模块 下册Unit 7课件1语文版.ppt

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Unit 7 Health Smoking Is Not allowed Here ? 1Para : In many countries, people cant smoke in the office any more and they cant smoke even within the building. Department stores and restaurants are also becoming smoke- free. It wont be very long before smoking is not allowed anywhere in public areas. ? 2Para: For some people, smoking has become a daily habit. They think that smoking makes them feel happy and helps them relax.What makes things worse is that smoking is cool and is a fashion of the day.Those ideas are foolish and wrong. 3Para: In fact, smoking has many bad effects on peoples health. Cigarette smoking is dangerous and every cigarette one smokes shortens ones life . A smoker usually lives a shorter life than a non-smoker. In many cases, their deaths are caused by cancer--lung cancer or mouth cancer. 4.Para: Cigarette smoke can also cause tooth disease and bad breath.When smoke is breathed in,poisonous elements in the smoke attack the body. They raise blood pressure and lead to heart disease.Every year, hundres of thousands of people in the world die from smoking--related diseases. 5Para: Smoking is harmful, not only to smokers,but also to non--smokers. When a person smokes,people around are forced to breathe in the smoke, and become passive smokers . More and more people do not like to be with smokers in the same room. 6Para: Nowadays,there is an anti--smoking move all over the world. In China, many cities have made laws to stop smoking in public areas. In places where people are not allowed to smoke, there is always a sign.The sign says Thank you for not smoking.This is a polite way o 编者语 ? 要如何做到上课认真听讲? ? 我们都知道一个人的注意力集中时间是有限的,一节课 45 分钟如何保持时时刻刻都能认真听讲不走神呢? ? 1 、往前坐 ? 坐的位置越靠后,注意力就越难集中。老师不会注意到你的事实可以让你不再紧张,放心去做别的事情。坐在后面,视线分散,哪怕你是在看老师,如果有人移动,你的视线就会飘到那个同学的后脑勺上去,也就无法集中注意力。 而且,坐在后面很 难读到老师的表情。认真听讲不单纯是指听老师说的话,把握老师的表情和语调之类的小细节也是很有必要的。说话比平时更用力,或者表情严肃地强调的那个部分几乎百分之百地会出现在考试中。但是如果坐在后面,那种重要的提示就全都错过了。 ? 与


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