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? ? Lesson Fourteen:Cipher in the Snow 打印本页 ?   I. Outline of the Text   Part 1:Introduction (Paras. 1-6)   A boy named Cliff Evans died on his way to school on a snowy morning.   Part 2:Body (Paras. 7-20)   The writer thought that bad education was the real killer.   ☆ The boy seemed to be completely excluded from activities outside the classroom and the teachers' comments made the boy's I.Q. gradually dropped.   ☆ The boy was made to believe he was stupid and he had noting to live for and hope for.   Part 3:Conclusion (Paras. 21-23)   As a teacher, the writer made up her mind that what had happened to Cliff Evans would never happen to any other of her students.   II. Text   Part 1:Introduction (Paras. 1-6)   1 It started on a biting cold February morning:事情发生在2月的一个寒冷刺骨的清晨。   It 指的是incident(事件);accident(事故)   I was driving behind the Milford Corners bus as I did most snowy mornings on my way to school:那时我正驾车跟在校车后面,下雪的时候多数情况早晨我都是这样去学校上班。   It stopped short at a hotel, and I was annoyed, as I had to come to an unexpected stop:车在一家饭店突然停了下来,我感到恼火,因为我不得不急刹车。   A boy staggered out of the bus, stumbled, and collapsed on the snowbank at the curb. The bus driver and I reached him at the same moment. His thin, hollow face was white even against the snow:一个男孩蹒跚地走下汽车,摔倒在路边的雪地里。我和校车司机同时冲到他身边。在白雪的衬托下,他那消瘦、凹陷的脸更是煞白。   ☆ Drive at sth.:打算   例:What are you driving at?   ☆ Drive sth. home (to sb.):使明白   例:The accident at the factory really drove home (to us) the point that safety regulations must be observed.   ☆ Drive sb. to do sth 迫使某人做某事   例:Poverty and hunger drove them to steal.   2 "He's dead,"the driver whispered."他死了,"司机低声地说。   3 I glanced quickly at the scared young faces staring down at us from the school bus. "A doctor! Quick!":我迅速地扫了一眼校车上那些望着我们的受惊吓的年轻脸庞。"快!找医生!"   4 No use. I tell you he's dead:(请医生)没有用了,他已经死了。   The driver looked down at the boy's still body. "He never even said he felt bad,"he muttered,"just tapped me on the shoulder. and said, quietly,'I'm sorr


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